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HIV AIDS - Awarness !

July 18, 2008
Started By Dj Quiva18 Comments


Aids Awareness



HIV AIDS - Awarness !
* HIV can *never survive in any other liquid* medium other than *lo**  or semen
* Even if one drinks an HIV infected *lo** of someone  (ingest through Gastro Intestinal track), the virus can not survive in the acidic pH of stomach*. Highest extent of acidity is 0 (practically not possible) so imagine 1 as pH which is in our stomach. (This pH can burn  your own finger in less than a second if you dip in that acid).

* Exposure of less than 1 second in AIR KILLS the HIV virus*(hence story of needle pricks in Cinema theatres is a crap). Even if *lo** from a wound (of infected person) dries up (**lo** clot*), *the virus dies*and can not infect anyone else

* HIV transmission is *ONLY* an *INFECTION* i.e.entrance of virus in one's body. It *DOES NOT MEAN AIDS*.  An HIV-infected person (after entrance of virus) can progress to a condition of AIDS only after *8 to 10 YEARS *(not in 15 days as in the Pani Puri story)

* It is *not HIV (virus) that kills a human* .....the virus attacks  immune cells (cells that fight against foreign pathogens/antigens) and
hence a person's ability to fight against infections & diseases slowly  diminishes and person ultimately dies of a disease which could be as simple as TB

* Most importantly, HIV is no longer a dreadful disease ... it is "*CHRONIC MANAGEABLE DISEASE*" just like Diabetes or Hypertension.

* If there is anything you need to be careful from to prevent HIV is Unsafe sex*, **lo** transfusion* (check before taking) /*lo** donation (use sterilized needles only) and any **lo** contact during an accident * or so where amount of bleeding is very high.

PLZ spread this message to avoid rumors and to educate people.

It's better to save someone's life by educating him rather feeling ashamed of having discussed this issue.

More on the 2012 Doomsday!!!

July 31, 2008
Started By GA54 Comments

Many years ago in a small Indian village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer's beautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain.

He said he would forgo the farmer's debt if he could marry his daughter. Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. So the cunning money-lender suggested that they let providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from the bag.

1)       If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father's debt would be forgiven.

 2)      If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be

 3)      If she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the farmer's field. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag.

Now, imagine that you were standing in the field. What would you have done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you have told her?

Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:

 1.       The girl should refuse to take a pebble.
 2.       The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag and expose the money-

           lender as a cheat.
 3.       The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from his

           debt and imprisonment.

Take a moment to ponder over the story. The above story is used with the hope that it will make us appreciate the difference between lateral and logical thinking. The girl's dilemma cannot be solved with traditional logical thinking. Think of the consequences if she chooses the above logical answers.

What would you recommend to the Girl to do?

Well, here is what she did ....

The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

'Oh, how clumsy of me,' she said. 'But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked.'

Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one. And since the money-lender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageous one.


Most complex problems do have a solution. It is only that we don't attempt to think. Start your day with this thought provoking story and have a nice day. 


Have a week filled with positive thoughts and sound decisions. 

May God grant us the wisdom to think outside the box. True wisdom comes only from Him, no matter how learned we think we are

True Education

July 1, 2008
Started By babyboy3 Comments
Education develops the intellect; and the intellect distinguishes man from other creatures. It is education that enables man to harness nature and utilize her resources for the well-being and improvement of his life. The key for the betterment and completeness of modern living is education. But, ' Man cannot live by bread alone '. Man, after all, is also composed of intellect and soul. Therefore, education in general, and higher education in particular, must aim to provide, beyond the physical, food for the intellect and soul. That education which ignores man's intrinsic nature, and neglects his intellect and reasoning power can not be considered true education.

by H.I.M. Haile Selassie



July 24, 2008
Started By Dj Quiva9 Comments
Beauty addresses itself chiefly to sight, but there is a beauty for the hearing too, as in certain c****inations so words and in all kinds of music; for melodies and cadences are beautiful; and minds that lift themselves above the realm of sense to a higher order are aware of beauty in the conduct of life, in actions, in character, in the pursuits of the intellect; and there is the beauty of the virtues.
- Plotinus


January 20, 2008
Started By jamaicanmami129122 Comments
i had this guy....he was everything to me....we had our up and downs...he treated me right...loved me right...even wen i hurt him...he still loved me....and ive lost him now...but i hold my head up high and look towards the sky up at the heavens and know that im gonna be fine..cause love.......Love will always be there even when u have no one its always gonna be there.....

~Love Can Never Be Lost...But Yet Found Once Again~

Relationship Guid

December 4, 2007
Started By pengo21 Comments
Here are some suggestions of things that we do to keep our
relationship alive and are things you can do to build strong roots in
your relationships beginning right now...

1. Talk about everything that is important to you and don't keep
secrets.  Let your partner know who you are.

2. Keep your heart open to your partner even if you want to close it.
That doesn't mean you always agree with him/her but it does mean that
you listen and you remember that the two of you love each other, even
if it doesn't seem that way in the moment. 

3. Resolve differences as soon as you can and don't let them simmer.
Old resentments and judgments that come up time and time again
without resolution kill relationships from the inside out.

4. Stay in the present moment.  Nothing damages relationships more
that when you live in the past-even past relationships-or futurize
what "might" happen.

5. Make a commitment to "not run away" -physically or emotionally--
when things get difficult or if there is a problem or challenge
between the two of you.  It's okay to take some time to "get
yourself" together so that you can be totally "present" while your
partner speaks but make sure that you set a time to do so if either
of you need to do that.


Family sees UFO..goes home to pray!

June 17, 2009
Started By GA6 Comments
Embedded video from <a href="" mce_href="">CNN Video</a>

banana cake recipie - enjoy :)

August 24, 2009
Started By that_girl5 Comments
ft banana cake recipieft

Ingredients ;

*3 banana's (the riper the better)
*1 tsp lemon juice
*150g soft brown sugar
*75g butter/margerine
*250g self raising flower
*2 tsp ground cinnamon
*3 medium eggs
*50g walnuts chopped
*1 tsp caster sugar
*fresh cream to serve

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees celcius/375 degrees farenheit/gas mark 5
Line a 18cm/7inch round deep baking tin and lightly grease.

take two banana's and mash them down in a bowl adding a heaped tablespoon of the brown sugar and a tsp of lemon juice, mix lightly and then put to one side.

melt the butter and remaining sugar in a pan until the butter has jus melted. Put to one side to cool slightly.

Sift the flour and one teaspoon of the cinnamon into a mixing bowl and make a well in the center.

Take the slightly cooled butter and sugar and add 3 eggs. Beat the eggs into the mixture, then pour it into the flour and cinnamon. Mix well.

Add the banana mixture and mix gently.

Pour half the mixture into the greased tin, and slice the third banana spreading it over the cake miture in the tin.  Then spread the chopped walnuts over that.  Pour the remaining mixture over the top and  bake in the oven for aroung 50 minutes or until golden brown. 

Turn out the cake to cool and dust with a teaspoon of caster sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon, serve hot or cold with a jug of cream.

And i hope u all enjoy it as much as i did smile

The truth-Human beings

July 31, 2008
Started By Dj Quiva5 Comments
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

Are you liven in Heaven or Hell

October 18, 2009
Started By Fibi2 Comments
Find this to be an inspiration before making my way to church this morning.

-- Edited by Fibi on Sunday 18th of October 2009 06:59:05 AM


Today's Scripture

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

God wants to give you rest. He wants to refresh and restore your soul, which is your mind, will and emotions. Its so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, and before long, your mind, will and emotions are so spun up that you can barely think straight! But even among the hustle of life, you can find rest, ease and relaxation. God wants you to enjoy your life. Thats why He tells us to come to Him. When you understand that God wants to take care of everything that concerns you, you will be able to find rest. Imagine that someone came up to you today and said, Give me all your monthly bills, Im going to pay them. Youd get pretty excited, wouldnt you? But it wouldnt happen until you did your part to give that person your bills. They couldnt pay them for you if you never release them. In the same way, when we release our cares and concerns to God, He promises to take care of them. Choose today to release your cares to the Lord. As you do, youll find that rest that He promises, and youll live the abundant life He has for you!

A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, today I humbly come to you. I choose to cast my cares on You so that I can live in Your rest. Thank You for Your goodness to me. Help me find ways to share Your goodness with those around me today. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Bless One and All,
Ras ~Q


Today's Scripture

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

You life will move in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. You can choose to think according the worlds system or according to Gods system. The worlds system says to look out for number one, to do whatever you can to get ahead and make yourself happy. But in Gods system, you find happiness and blessing by serving and putting others first. God doesnt want us to have an attitude that is self-centered, or jealous, or greedy. He knows that those thoughts end in destruction. God wants us to live a blessed and prosperous life. Thats why the scripture tells us to renew our minds, or transform our thinking. We have to make sure our thoughts are the same as Gods thoughts. Just like a computer, whatever you allow into your mind is what will come out in your attitude and actions. The more you meditate on Gods Word, the more you will transform your thinking to be like Gods thinking. Choose today to focus on the Word of God and allow your mind to be renewed. As you focus on Gods thoughts, you will see your actions become more like Him, and you will see His hand of blessing in every area of your life.

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, I submit to You all that I am. I ask that You renew my mind by the Word of God so that my thoughts are Your thoughts. Transform me into Your image. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Bless One and All,
Ras ~Q

Tha past cannot be changed, but
tha future is still in your power.


-- Edited by Ill-matic on Thursday 13th of May 2010 06:28:10 PM
This week's promise: Blessings come from obeying God

What does freedom mean to you?

What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord, whose people he has chosen for his own.

Psalm 33:12 NLT

"I will cause your descendants to become as numerous as the stars, and I will give them all these lands. And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed. I will do this because Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, regulations, and laws."
Genesis 26:4-5 NLT

The source of liberty

We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedomsto choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstancesto choose one's own way.

Victor Frankl

For Americans, July 4 has special meaning as we celebrate Independence Day. There will be parades and picnics and fireworks. It is a day to celebrate freedomand to recognize God as the true source of freedom and blessing for any nation.

So much of our freedom today seems bound up in a world driven by material possessions, yet those who died for the liberty we enjoy often did so to obtain or preserve freedoms of consciencespeech, religion, assembly, among others. And much of the blessing we enjoy today began with the promise God made to Abraham.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

The Devil made me do it...NOT

June 16, 2009
Started By jamwomen2 Comments
The devil tempts but doesn't force!  We all are accountable for our own actions. May you choose wisely today and be blessed.
How do I respond to God?

From the moment we begin to grasp just how much God loves us, a deep desire wells up within us to love Him in return.

Suppose as you were walking in a dense forest, you strayed off the path and lost your way. Night falls and it becomes dark and cold. You have no food or water. Danger lurks from forest animals. You frantically stumble ahead in the darkness, with no sense of direction. Fear gnaws at you: "I may never make it back to safety."

Just as all hope is fading, your frantic eyes see a dim light in the distance. Suddenly you realize, "Someone is searching for me!" The light grows brighter. It's coming your way. You call out, "Here I am!" The reply comes back: "Keep calling!" Moments later your rescuer appears in the unmistakable uniform of a forest ranger -- one who knows the deep woods and the way home. By the dim light, you study his kind and fatherly face. Steadily he leads you back. As the ranger delivers you to your doorstep, he says, "You're safe now." In sheer relief you respond in the only way you can -- with profound gratitude. "How can I ever repay you?" you ask, knowing no payment could ever suffice.

In the very same way our heavenly Father has rescued us. Our condition was more desperate than we could ever know. We couldn't make it on our own. We were groping frantically in complete darkness when He came and personally guided us home. He redeemed us from deadly peril.

Perhaps the Apostle John had such a sense of gratitude when he declared, "We love Him because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

It would not be unusual for you to be harboring distorted images of what your heavenly Father is like. I've had many false images myself -- at different times a "higher power" or a stern judge to be feared. But once I saw His unconditional love for me, a love unaffected by who I was and all I had done, my heart was able to say, "Father, I love you." Amazingly, God not only loves us -- He actually created us so we can love Him in return.


How deeply should we love God? Jesus, who knew the Father intimately, said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30). All our faculties come into play. "All" leaves nothing out. Loving the Father to that degree continues to stretch me, for it means giving all that I am to the One who gave His all for me.

My heart swells -- and I believe so does God's -- when I spontaneously lavish my love upon Him, expressing my affection and gratitude to Him.

Key Scripture At that time you were without Christ ... having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the *lo** of Christ (Ephesians 2:12,13).
Key Thought I will let these words come easily and often: "Lord, I love You."

Plyometric Training

August 3, 2009
Started By hyper.radio3 Comments
Here are a bunch of clips for those interested in Plyometric Training.

U will be sweating in no time!

dis lil creature can be found from belize to the end of south america!!! dis is the first one caught on tape!!! dem ah real folklore ah belize!!!!















Drink To Your Health

July 5, 2009
Started By lavaground4 Comments

-- Edited by Dj Quiva on Saturday 18th of July 2009 06:41:38 AM


January 16, 2008
Started By STAINLESS2 Comments

Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn' t happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.

1. Pray

2. Go to bed on time.

3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

4. Say No to projects that won' t fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health

5. Delegate tasks to capable others.

6. Simplify and unclutter your life.

7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)

8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.

9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.

10. Take one day at a time.

11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety . If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it. (Let God handle it J )

12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.

13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.

14 K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.

16. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line.

17. Get enough rest.

18. Eat right.

19. Get organized so everything has its place.

20. Listen to a CD while driving that can help improve your quality of life.

21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.

22. Every day, find time to be alone.

23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.

24. Make friends with Godly people.

25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.

26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus.'

27. Laugh.

28. Laugh some more!

29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.

30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).

31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).

32. Sit on your ego.

33. Talk less; listen more.

34 Slow down.

35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.

36 Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before. GOD HAS A WAY OF TURNING THINGS AROUND FOR YOU. 'If God is for us, who can be against us?' (Romans 8:31)


Ex Christian preacher who embraced Islam discusses the purpose of life. . .

check it out

-- Edited by Andre DesignZ The Genius on Friday 3rd of July 2009 03:17:16 PM

more here...

Carbohydrates, Part I

Carbs. Carbos. Carbohydrates. Never have so many people been so confused by a food category. Good for you? Bad for you? Fattening? Slimming? On the one hand you have advocates of the Pritikin Program, and the Dean Ornish Program for reversing heart disease, suggesting that 80% of our calories should come from carbohydrates. On the other hand you have the Hellers -- (Richard and Rachel) -- authors of Healthy for Life and The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, suggesting that we cut back on carbohydrates as a means of reversing obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and even heart disease. So, who is right?

Who can forget Susan Powter's screaming infomercial promising that we can eat all the carbs we want -- and be thin -- as long as we cut out fat. But what about Barry Sears and The Zone. He advocates that we restrict our carbohydrate intake to only 40% of our calories, aiming for a 40-30-30 balance of nutrients. Who is right?

To further confuse the issue, there's disagreement about the subcategories of carbohydrates. Complex carbs are good, say some of the so-called experts, and sugars are bad. Some people go so far as to maintain the sugar is toxic, and responsible for everything from addiction, to cancer, to criminal behavior. Who is right? Let's wade through the hype and hoopla, and take a closer look.

We may well discover -- as is often the case with nutrition issues -- that nobody is totally right, and everybody is a little bit right. First, there is no perfect universal eating plan. To quote the cliche: "One man's meat is another man's poison." And, the needs of the individual are not static. Our needs change with the seasons, with our age, and with our health status at the moment.


First, the chemistry lesson....

Carbohydrates are those substances composed of molecules of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (CHO.) Hence the name: Carbo (as in carbon) and hydrate (as in water.) And water, as you probably remember is H2O (hydrogen plus oxygen.)

Carbohydrates which are composed of only one or two molecules are called "sugars." Carbohydrates which are composed of many molecules joined together are called "starches."


Classification of Carbohydrates...

bulletMonosaccharides are single molecules of carbohydrate.
  1. Glucose (also known as dextrose) is *lo** sugar.
  2. Fructose (also known as levulose) is fruit sugar.
bulletDisaccharides consist of two molecules joined together.
  1. Sucrose (or table sugar) is made from one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose.
  2. Lactose (or milk sugar) c****ines glucose and galactose.
  3. Maltose (made from sprouted barley) c****ines two molecules of glucose.
bulletPolysaccharides are composed of many molecules of glucose joined together.
  1. Starch is the polysaccharide found in most plants.
  2. Glycogen is the polysaccharide that humans and animals store in their muscle cells.
  3. Fiber is a type of polysaccharide that humans can't digest because we don't have the necessary enzymes. Some types of fiber are water soluble (for example, apple pectin.) Some types of fiber are insoluble (for example, wheat bran.) Some insoluble fibers will soak up water (as bran does) and other insoluble fibers won't soak up water (for example, the outer cellulose layer on a kernel of corn.)

In general, sugars are sweet tasting. Starches aren't. An exception is lactose, or milk sugar. It does not taste sweet. However, Lactaid Milk which has had the lactase enzyme added to it, tastes sweet because the lactose has been split into glucose and galactose.

There are other types of carbohydrates called sugar alcohols. Manitolsorbitol, and xylitol are found in small amounts in fruits and vegetables. The calorie content of sugar alcohols is virtually identical to regular sugars, however because they are absorbed so slowly they are treated like artificial sweeteners and often used in "sugarless" gums and candies. The down side of sugar alcohols is that they tend to trigger diarrhea.


Functions of carbohydrate...

Carbohydrates provide the body's main source of energy. Certain parts of the body - the central nervous system, parts of the kidney, and red *lo** cells - must have a constant supply of CHO for energy formation. Under normal circumstances these tissues are unable to burn other sources of fuel.

Fiber, although it is not a source of calories, adds bulk and texture. It slows down digestion time so that a meal has more satiety. (You stay full longer.)

Soluble fiber, from foods like apples and oatmeal, sets up a kind of gel filtration system in the intestinal tract. It binds with bile salts and other waste products and carries them out of the system. (Bile salts are the end product of cholesterol metabolism. Attaching bile to fiber helps to lower the bodies cholesterol level.)

Insoluble fiber, such as wheat bran, swells with water and helps to prevent constipation. It binds with substances such as estrogen and can remove excesses of this hormone from the body.


Digestion of carbohydrates...

Digestion of starch begins in the mouth. Saliva contains an enzyme called amylase which begins to break starch down into glucose molecules. The pancreas releases more amylase into the small intestine to complete the digestion of starch into glucose.

Also in the small intestine, there are enzymes which break disaccharides down into their component parts.

bulletMaltase divides maltose into glucose + glucose.
bulletLactase divides lactose into glucose + galactose. Sucrase divides sucrose into glucose + fructose

FYI In nutrition, any word ending in ase is an enzyme.


Lactose intolerance...

Many adults no longer produce the lactase enzyme, or they don't produce enough of it, and they may have lactose intolerance as a result. When we are unable to digest lactose it tends to ferment in the intestine, resulting in gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Fermentation is the interaction between the lactose and the bacteria and/or yeast that reside in the intestinal tract. A byproduct of fermentation is always gas.

Among Asians, the incidence of lactose intolerance is 80-95%. Among Africans, 50-99% are lactose intolerant. As many as 85% of Native Americans may be lactose intolerant.


After digestion and absorption, monosaccharides are processed by liver enzymes:

1. fructose and galactose are converted to glucose

2. glucose is converted to glycogen, or fat for storage

3. glucose is used to meet energy needs of the liver

4. nitrogen and other elements are added to glucose to produce nonessential amino acids that make up body proteins


Meet the hunger hormone...

After a meal, once we start to digest what we have eaten, our *lo** sugar level starts to rise. And this rise in *lo** sugar triggers the pancreas to release insulin. It is insulin that triggers the production of liver enzymes that handle the disposition of glucose and the other monosaccharides (as described above.) Insulin is the hormone responsible for moving glucose out of the *lo** and into the cells where it will be used for energy. You can think of insulin as a key that unlocks the door on a cell and allows glucose to enter. If the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, or if the insulin that's available doesn't work properly, *lo** sugar rises above normal. The result is called hyperglycemia or diabetes.

When everything works as nature intended, *lo** sugar rises after we eat, and then gradually -- over the course of 3-5 hours -- the level drops back to where it was before we ate. When it drops, we typically experience hunger pangs, the body's reminder that we need to refuel. How long it takes for hunger pangs to kick in, depends on the following:

bulletHow much we've eaten. Larger meals last longer.
bulletHow much fat we've consumed. Fat slows down stomach emptying, and meals containing fat take longer to digest.
bulletHow much protein we've consumed as part of the meal. A meal that includes protein will last longer than one without.
bulletHow much fiber we've consumed. Fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, and therefore a high fiber meal lasts longer than a low fiber meal.
bulletHow much refined carbohydrate we've consumed at one sitting. Refined carbohydrate would include white flour products and candies. Some one who polishes off a pound of jelly beans will probably experience a rapid rise in *lo** sugar and a huge insulin response which will result in a rapid lowering of *lo** sugar. Hunger pangs will arrive more quickly after 1600 calories from jelly beans than after 1600 calories from ice cream.

The jelly beans are all sugar. There's no fat, fiber or protein to slow down digestion and make those jelly beans last longer. Ice cream is high in fat, and fat slows down digestion. Therefore, ice cream results in a slower rise in *lo** sugar, and ice cream has more "satiety" than jelly beans. (Satiety means its more filling,)

Back to reality: My goal is not to push you towards eating either jelly beans or ice cream, but to make you aware of how different foods are handled because of differences in composition. This will help you understand how different foods effect your appetite.


Carbohydrates, Part II

With a little carbohydrate chemistry under our belts, lets look at dietary sources of carbohydrate.

Plants are the primary source of dietary carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. Milk and milk-based products also contain carbohydrate. There is a little carbohydrate in cottage cheese, but virtually none in most hard cheeses, since lactose -- the carbohydrate that occurs in milk -- is removed during processing.

Carbohydrate is an essential part of a balanced diet for most people. As we said last month, certain tissues of the body the brain and red *lo** cells must have a constant supply of carbohydrate for energy formation. The brain alone burns 600 calories worth of glucose per day just for thinking. (If you dont think its somewhat less.) In fact, glucose is so important that the body has the ability to manufacture it when it is not consumed in adequate amounts. Protein (in the form of amino acids) is converted to glucose in the liver. That process is called gluconeogenesis (pronounced: gluco - neo - genesis) which means, the creation of new glucose.

Having said that, because the body does have the ability to synthesize glucose, it is possible to survive on a diet that is low in food sources of carbohydrate. The aboriginal Eskimo, for example, survived on a diet composed almost exclusively of fat and protein. But, unless youre an Eskimo, I dont recommend that you go to that extreme.

The amount of carbohydrate an individual will require over the course of the day will depend in part on the total number of calories the person needs. That amount will vary because of age, metabolism, activity level, and body type. In general, most people do well consuming between 40 and 50 percent of their calorie intake in the form of carbohydrate.

Thin, high strung, body types tend to do well on higher intakes of carbohydrate, because carbohydrate raises serotonin levels and has a calming effect on the body. (This same thin body type must have adequate protein to stabilize *lo** sugar, mood, and energy levels.) Obese body types need proportionately less carbohydrate in order to lower insulin levels, and/or to overcome insulin resistance. They also need fewer total calories in order to lose weight, and cutting back on carbohydrate is one way to force the body to use stored fat as an energy source.


Natural vs Refined. Complex vs Simple.

Natural carbohydrates are whole food items, such as string beans, apples, carrots, and brown rice. Refined carbohydrates are processed food items such as crackers, cookies, jelly beans, and bread or pasta made with white flour. (Guess which group is considered healthier!)

Complex carbohydrates are whole food items, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains -- (oatmeal, wheat berries, barley, corn niblets) -- which take longer to digest and metabolize because of their complex structure, especially their fiber content.

Simple carbohydrates are those processed food items -- (white flour products, sugars) -- which are digested and metabolized quickly because of their lack of fiber.


The Glycemic Index.

The Glycemic Index is a comparative chart which looks at how quickly a food will raise your *lo** sugar. When a food raises your *lo** sugar quickly, it is said to have a high glycemic index score. When a food takes longer to raise your *lo** sugar, it is said to have a lower glycemic index score.

Example: Glucose has a score of 100. A Russet potato is 98. Bread and rice are 72. Sucrose (table sugar) is 59. Oatmeal is 49. An orange has a score of about 40. Cherries are 23. Peanuts are 13. (Fat is 0.)

When fat is c****ined with carbohydrate foods it slows down digestion, and blunts the glycemic effect of a meal. Example: A slice of bread with peanut butter will raise *lo** sugar more slowly than the bread by itself.

In general, we are encouraged to eat foods which have a low glycemic index score so that we have a slow rise in *lo** sugar, and a sustained source of energy. However, if you needed to raise your *lo** sugar in a hurry -- perhaps because of hypoglycemia, or insulin shock -- that would be the time to choose a food which scores higher on the glycemic index.

The glycemic index remains somewhat controversial. Some health processionals recommend we live by it. Others claim that its impact is insignificant. The good news is that it does encourage greater consumption of whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and fewer refined carbohydrate products.


Food and Mood

Carbohydrates -- although they are a major source of energy -- can also make us sleepy because of their impact on brain chemistry. Carbohydrate consumption can increase the neurotransmitter called serotonin, and serotonin has a calming, sleep inducing effect on the body. Protein consumption, on the other hand, can increase levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, the neurotransmitters responsible for mental energy. Being deficient in any, or all, of these brain chemicals can result in depression.

Heres how to put this information to use:

bulletFalling asleep after lunch? Try cutting back on your starch intake, and/or increasing your protein intake.
bulletStressed? And cant get to sleep at night? Have a slice of toast with jam on it before retiring.
bulletCant keep yourself awake during afternoon business meetings? Snack on nuts instead of a bagel.

And, lets not forget our original questions. Are carbohydrates good for us? Are they fattening? And how much do we really need?

Carbohydrates can be either good for us, or bad for us, depending on the quality of the foods we choose. Example: Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and fiber, in addition to their carbohydrate content. Table sugar, and white flour products, contain calories, but little else.

Are carbohydrates fattening? They can be. Like anything else they arent fattening until we consume more than we can burn off. And unfortunately, many of us are somewhat addicted to carbohydrates. We love our bagels and pasta.. And our cookies, and soda, etc., etc. And we have no concept of portion control. We stop eating when the plate is empty, rather than when the hunger goes away. During the past 2 decades weve made the mistake of eating excessive amounts of starch, and not enough protein, and most of us have gained weight as a result.

If weight is an issue, take a look at your carbohydrate intake, and cut back if thats appropriate. But dont go to extremes. In general, dont go under 100 grams of carbohydrate a day. And forget about very high carbohydrate, low fat diets. Even if you lose weight, which is doubtful, youll be hungry, deprived, and depressed. Low fat diets just arent healthy long term.


Hypoglycemia & Insulin Resistance

At any point in time we have several teaspoons of glucose in our *lo** stream. It is constantly being used by the brain, and by *lo** cells, for energy. Muscles can burn glucose also, and they do, but muscles can also burn fat for fuel. Under certain circumstances, when glucose is in short supply, the body will attempt to limit the amount of glucose the muscles can use by making our muscle cells resistant to insulin.

Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas that moves glucose out of the *lo** and into the cells where it will be used for energy, or stored as glycogen (starch,) or converted to fat and stored. What happens to glucose once it is inside the cell depends on what the body needs and how much fuel is available at that moment.

Insulin is like a key that opens a door on the cell wall, allowing glucose to enter. Each time we eat our *lo** sugar starts to rise, and the pancreas again produces insulin so that we can move glucose into the cells. If the pancreas is unable to make insulin our *lo** sugar will rise too high, and we will have a condition called Type I Diabetes. In this condition it is necessary to take the hormone insulin to make up for what the pancreas cant produce.

But what if we dont eat any carbohydrate? Suppose, for example, we go on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet that requires us to eat meat, eggs, cheese, chicken and fish, and nothing else. Well, the body in its wisdom will suppress the release of insulin, because none is needed if we arent consuming carbohydrates. The body will also produce a number of hormones that make us resistant to insulin. Being resistant to insulin means that the insulin that is in your *lo** doesnt work. Its as if someone put putty in the keyholes so that the key no longer fits in the lock.

Why do we become resistant to insulin? Remember what I said a few minutes ago about having only a few teaspoons of glucose in your *lo**. If we havent eaten any carbohydrate, and we are using glucose for energy, the risk is that our *lo** sugar will drop too low, the brain will be deprived of fuel, and we could go into a coma and die. (Yikes!) When we become resistant to insulin, the glucose in the *lo** is reserved for use by the brain and *lo** cells, and the muscles are forced to burn fat instead.

This adaptive process enables us to survive in the absence of carbohydrate, and even during starvation. For most of us the problem is not the absence of dietary carbohydrate, its what happens when we reintroduce carbohydrate following a period of time without it.

Lets go back to our high protein diet. Imagine for a moment that weve been invited to someones home for a dinner party. Our hostess is Itallian. Shes serving pasta, Italian bread, pastries, etc. You get the picture, right? We think "Oh what the heck. Its only one night. Ill go back on my diet tomorrow."

Dinner is served. We eat. Our *lo** sugar starts to rise, and rise, and rise.... Remember, there is no insulin available to metabolize the carbohydrate weve just consumed. None of the liver enzymes that metabolize glucose are there either. You see, theyre only produced in the presence of insulin. Eventually, when our *lo** sugar is much too high up in the diabetic range the body starts to produce insulin. It produces 2-3 times as much as it usually does, and our *lo** sugar suddenly swings from a hyperglycemic high to a hypoglycemic low When *lo** glucose falls below normal, we may feel any one of several kinds of symptoms.

bulletCerebral symptoms: sleepiness, spaciness These symptoms occur because of a lack of available glucose to the brain.
bulletHunger pangs and/or a craving for sweets.
bulletHeart palpitations, tremulousness, anxiety. These latter symptoms are brought on by the release of adrenaline, and occur primarily in persons with low *lo** pressure.

This entire reaction is referred to as reactive hypoglycemia. It is so named because it is a reaction to the ingestion of food which typically occurs 2 and1/2 to 4 hours after a meal. In the example I gave, it is a reaction to the ingestion of carbohydrate following a period of carbohydrate deprivation. In other words it is a rebound reaction. It is this rebound reaction that triggers binge behavior in starvation dieters, and in people coming off of low carbohydrate regimes. And it is this same rebound reaction that causes afternoon hypoglycemia in non-breakfast eaters.

When you get up in the morning you are coming off of an overnight fast. Your liver has run out of stored glycogen and is in need of refueling. In non-breakfast eaters the body must suppress the release of insulin, and make us resistant to any insulin still in the *lo**. Several hours after lunch *lo** sugar bottoms out because of a delayed and excessive insulin response, and the individual is either falling asleep at his/her desk, raiding the nearest candy machine, or experiencing an anxiety attack brought on by an adrenalin surge.

Over time, people who skip meals especially breakfast and lunch are at high risk for weight gain and Type II Diabetes.

Always plan to eat regularly, and make certain to include protein in your diet 3 times per day. Plan to consume a minimum of 100 grams of carbohydrate daily, and dont go on or off a ketogenic diet (thats an extremely low carbohydrate diet) unless youre working with a clinical nutritionist.

Duppy caught on tape in Tivoli Gardens

Big Up Dudus who recently celebrated his earthday on the 13th of March. YardFlex understand that he had two hot parties, one on Thursday night and the other on Sunday.

The Sunday night jam lasted until 10:30 am Monday morning and was a 'sell off' event. This was more so an eventful morning, as a ghost, it is alleged who was enjoying the music saw it fit to make a cameo appearance through a window of one of the high rise building in Tivoli.

According to various news reports, persons from the community are speculating that this ghost is one of the five youths recently killed in the community.

However, check out the video clip below for yourselves and tell us what you think:

5X5 Strength Training

June 27, 2009
Started By hyper.radio3 Comments
Check the link for a simple yet proven program to up your strength...

A BUILDER was stunned when he discovered the 'ghostly image' of Michael Jackson on his car bonnet just 13 hours after his death.

Dad-of-two Gary Sloggett, 43, had taken some pics of his Rover 200 for a car sales magazine on June 26.

But when he uploaded the snaps on to his computer he was shocked to see the King of Pop who died the day before of a heart attack staring back at him.

Man in the bonnet ... Jackson 'ghost'  


Spooky ... star's image

Spooky ... star's image


Gary, of Stafford, said yesterday: "It's quite extraordinary.

"The obvious explanation is that it seems to be some sort of cloud formation that just happened at the time.

"But I've shown the picture to quite a few people and without prompting they all say: 'That's Jacko'.

"To be honest I'm a bit of a sceptic and I'm not the world's greatest Michael Jackson fan, but as soon as I saw the picture on my computer it set me thinking.

"I'm not saying I've been touched by any sort of presence, but it is pretty unusual. I was a bit bemused to say the least."

Gary, who is married to Moira, 41, and has two children, Amy, 13, and Thomas, 11, added of the Speed Demon: "I didn't upload the pictures for a few days but I took them at around 10am on the day after Michael Jackson died.

"When I saw the picture I immediately turned to my wife and said: 'What is Michael Jackson doing on my car bonnet?'

"If you look at the picture for long enough it even looks as if he has got wings."

Food Matters

July 17, 2009
Started By Dj Quiva4 Comments
Let's take small steps towards a healthier life and a healthier you! Food can be your best friend! Discover how you can Detox, Lose Weight, Reverse Diabetes, Conquer Cancer, Beat Heart Disease, Ditch Depression and more using a nutritional approach. Its not as hard as you think!
below.gif Pretty Good Vid.

U fat or skinny? dont be...

April 23, 2009
Started By bLaCkBeatZ7 Comments

more here...

The QQF Theory of Obesity...

f Ive said it once, Ive said it a thousand times: Stop dieting... and start living thin. Take a look at what you are doing, and then think about what you would be doing if you were already at your ideal weight. Change your behavior to what it would be if you did not have a weight problem. The key to success is change.

"Okay," I hear you say, "but what should I change? I dont know what I am doing wrong."

First, take a look at your pattern of eating. Are you eating breakfast?

"No, I dont eat breakfast. Im not hungry in the morning, so why should I eat?"

You should eat breakfast because eating will stimulate your metabolism. Non-breakfast-eaters tend to have a weight problem, and sooner or later they have health and energy problems also. You need to put fuel in the tank at the beginning of the day, not at the end of the day (after youve put the car back in the garage!)

Let me tell you about some research that was done back in the 60s and 70s. Collectively, its called the QQF research, and it does much to explain why people gain weight, and what they need to change in order to lose weight.

QQF stands for Quality, Quantity, and Frequency, and it refers to food intake and eating patterns. Lets start with quality. Lets compare eating an apple to drinking apple juice. If you eat an apple you have something to chew. You have a food which is high in fiber which will take time to be digested. And because the apple is high in fiber we will spend energy digesting it, and we will not be able to absorb all of the calories. Perhaps only about 80 % of the calories in an apple will be available to us.

Now lets drink a glass of apple juice. It takes almost no time to digest because the fiber is gone. Very little energy is spent on the digestion process. What we have is sugar (glucose and fructose) and water and 100 % of the calories will be absorbed. (We need to remember also that it takes about 3 apples to make a glass of apple juice.)

Another example: Lets compare peanuts, with peanut butter, and then peanut oil. The whole peanut is high in fiber, and must be well chewed to be digested. Typically only about 70% of the calories will be absorbed. Peanut butter is still high in fiber, but because it has been ground it is easier to digest. About 92% of the calories in peanut butter will be absorbed. Peanut oil is highly processed, and totally refined. It has no fiber, and 100 % of the calories will be absorbed.

Next, lets look at quantity.

Most of us understand, intellectually, that quantity matters. It matters whether you have one slice of pizza vs the whole pie. But its not just how much you have in total for the day, but how much you have at one sitting. Suppose you have a meal of 1000 calories. Your body can only burn some of those calories right now for energy, and it has limits as to the amount it can store as glycogen, so any excess calories will be converted to fat. Now take that same 1000 calorie meal, and eat half of it now, and the other half four hours from now. This time your body has a better chance of using the calories youve consumed for energy. It is less apt to have an excess left over that it has to turn into fat for storage.

The moral of this story is that you want that overstuffed sandwich for lunch, youd best have half of it now, and the other half as a snack later in the afternoon.

Ever skimp on lunch so you can go out to a big 7-course dinner? Stop! It will backfire. Eat lunch, and then find a way to cut down on your portions at dinner. (Have fewer courses, or eat little bits of each course.)

Finally, lets look at frequency.

Did you know that the skinniest people around eat about 6 times per day? I dont mean they have spaghetti and meatballs 6 times a day, I just mean that they spread their calories out over 6 meals. And did you know that the fattiest people around eat only once per day? Metabolism slows down to compensate for the lack of fuel, and then when they finally do eat the body tends to overstore what theyve consumed. In effect, the body is stocking up for the next famine.

Time of day is also an issue. Those skinny people I refer to always eat breakfast. Most obese people rarely eat breakfast. They take in most of their calories at night, when the body least needs the energy, and when the calories consumed are most apt to be stored as fat.

Take two groups of people. Give both groups 2000 calories in total. One group spreads the calories out over 6 meals. The second group consumes all of the food at one sitting. The first group either maintains their weight, or loses weight. Everyone in the second group gains weight.

Take two groups of people. Give both groups 2000 calories per day in one meal. The first group gets 2000 calories for breakfast. The second group gets 2000 calories for dinner. The first group maintains their weight. (A few people even lose weight.) Everyone in the second group gains weight.

Now, lets give both groups 1000 calories per day. The first group gets 1000 calories for breakfast, and the second group gets 1000 calories for dinner. Both groups lose weight, but the first group loses 2-3 pounds per week. The second group loses only 1 pound per week. Note: I am not recommending that anyone "go on a diet" consisting of 1000 calories per day. My purpose is to illustrate the relationship between time of day, caloric intake and weight.

Action to take, based on this information?

bulletEat breakfast, and eat at regular intervals.
bulletEat foods in as close to their natural state as possible. Focus on real foods, and avoid refined and processed foods. (Rolled oats vs corn flakes. Apples vs pop tarts.)
bulletDont get too hungry. (As a general rule dont go for more than 5 hours during the day without eating.)
bulletAnd dont get too full. (As a general rule, dont consume more than 500 calories at any one sitting.)
bulletWhen you are served large portions in a restaurant, at a banquet give yourself permission not to finish whats on your plate. Allow yourself to stop eating when the hunger goes away, rather than when the plate is empty.
bulletJust for practice, eat off a salad plate instead of a dinner plate. (If what you are eating wont fit on a salad plate, its probably too much food.)
bulletImagine yourself already at your ideal weight. (Dont see yourself as "fat, trying to get thin." Rather, see yourself as "lean and healthy, and wanting to stay that way.")

BAd Breath

July 18, 2008
Started By Dj Quiva17 Comments


Store shelves are overflowing with mints, mouthwashes and other products designed to help people control bad breath. Yet these products help control bad breath (halitosis) only temporarily. And, they actually may be less effective in controlling bad breath than simply rinsing your mouth with water after brushing and flossing your teeth.
Certain foods, health conditions and habits are among the causes of bad breath. In many cases, you can improve bad breath with proper dental hygiene.
If simple self-care techniques don't solve the problem, you may want to see your dentist or doctor to rule out a more serious condition that may be causing your bad breath.


The causes of bad breath are numerous. They include:
  • Food. The breakdown of food particles in and around your teeth can cause a foul odor. Eating foods containing volatile oils is another source of bad breath. Onions and garlic are the best known examples, but other vegetables and spices also can cause bad breath. After these foods are digested and the pungent oils are absorbed into your *lo**stream, they're carried to your lungs and are given off in your breath until the food is eliminated from your body.
    Alcohol behaves in the same fashion, allowing the measurement of alcohol levels by breath tests. Alcohol itself has almost no odor, however. The characteristic smell on your breath is mainly the odor of other components of the beverage.
  • Dental problems. Poor dental hygiene and periodontal disease can be a source of bad breath. If you don't brush and floss daily, food particles remain in your mouth, collecting bacteria and emitting hydrogen sulfur vapors. A colorless, sticky film of bacteria (plaque) forms on your teeth.
    If not brushed away, plaque can irritate your gums (gingivitis) and cause tooth decay. Eventually, plaque-filled pockets can form between your teeth and gums (periodontitis), worsening this problem and your breath. Dentures that aren't cleaned regularly or don't fit properly also can harbor odor-causing bacteria and food particles.
  • Dry mouth. Saliva helps cleanse and moisten your mouth. A dry mouth enables dead cells to accumulate on your tongue, gums and cheeks. These cells then decompose and cause odor. Dry mouth naturally occurs during sleep. It's what causes "morning breath." Dry mouth is even more of a problem if you sleep with your mouth open. Some medications as well as smoking can lead to a chronic dry mouth, as can a problem with your salivary glands.
  • Diseases. Chronic lung infections and lung abscesses can produce very foul-smelling breath. Several other illnesses can cause a distinctive breath odor. Kidney failure can cause a urine-like odor, and liver failure may cause an odor described as "fishy." People with uncontrolled diabetes often have a fruity breath odor. Chronic reflux of stomach acids from your stomach (gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD) and a slight protrusion of the stomach into the chest cavity (hiatal hernia) also can produce bad breath.
  • Mouth, nose and throat conditions. Bad breath is also associated with sinus infections because nasal discharge from your sinuses into the back of your throat can cause mouth odor. A child with bad breath may have a foreign object lodged in his or her nose. A bean or small item stuck in the nose can cause persistent nasal discharge and a foul odor. Strep throat, tonsillitis and mononucleosis can cause bad breath until the throat infection clears. Bronchitis and other upper respiratory infections in which you cough up odorous sputum are other sources of bad breath. Canker sores may be related to bad breath, especially if they accompany periodontal disease.
  • Tobacco products. Smoking dries out your mouth and causes its own unpleasant mouth odor. Tobacco users are also more likely to have periodontal disease, an additional source of bad breath.
  • Severe dieting. Dieters may develop unpleasant "fruity" breath from ketoacidosis, the breakdown of chemicals during fasting.nope




* 2  tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil
* 2  tablespoon(s) chopped rosemary leaves
* 1 1/2 tablespoon(s) kosher salt
* 1 1/2 tablespoon(s) fennel seeds
* 2  teaspoon(s) freshly ground black pepper
* 2  teaspoon(s) chopped sage
* 2  teaspoon(s) chopped thyme
* 2  teaspoon(s) sweet paprika
* 1  teaspoon(s) crushed red pepper
* 1  teaspoon(s) ground coriander
* 1/2 teaspoon(s) ground allspice
* 6  pound(s) pork spareribs
* 3  tablespoon(s) balsamic vinegar, preferably one aged for at least 5 years


1. In a small bowl, c****ine the olive oil, rosemary, kosher salt, fennel, black pepper, sage, thyme, paprika, crushed red pepper, coriander and allspice. Rub the spice paste all over the spareribs and let stand at room temperature for 2 hours or refrigerate overnight.

2. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Arrange the ribs on a large, rimmed baking sheet or roasting pan, meaty side up. Roast the ribs for 2 hours, or until tender.

3. Preheat the broiler. Brush the meaty side of the ribs with the balsamic vinegar and broil 6 inches from the heat until browned, about 2 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes, then cut between the ribs and serve.

4. Wine Recommendation: A slightly spicy medium-bodied red with low acidity or a lighter-bodied Sangiovese-based red like Chianti.

Alien Cow

August 16, 2008
Started By Dj Quiva23 Comments

Alien Cow

What on God's earth is this abomination spawned from bovine parents?

cow alien foetus

Some have claimed this dead foetus, born to a Thai cow, is an alien baby. Some that it is a genetic abhorration known as achondroplasia, related to dwarfism, that affects cows.

Us? We like the alien story. We want to believe.

But more realistically, we're going with the birth defect theory. What do you recko

The mayan prophecy of 2012

June 11, 2009
Started By vanyerzz 7 Comments

The living prophecy known as Time's Special Witness, 7th century Mayan prophet pocal votan left a universal message for future generations of an evolving Earth.
Proclaiming,"If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living in Natural Time," he foretold of our accelerated technological society, and the resulting damage of our collective divergence from Natural Law in exchange for materialist values.Pacal Votan's prophetic call is alerting present-day humanity that our biological process is transforming, approaching the culmination of a 26,000 year evolutionary program. Bringing the return of universal telepathy, heightened sense capacity, and self-reflective consciousness, this is a return to the sacred domain of our inner technology.The grand cycle of evolution will culmintae winter solistice, December 21, 2012 AD

This time we are now in has been called "The Time of Trial on Earth," "Judgement Day," "The Time of Great Purification," "The End of this Creation," "The Quickening," "The End of Time as We Know It," "The Shift of the Ages." It is foretold that the completion of the Precession brings regeneration of Earth, offering awakening to all open, willing hearts. Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the: Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe, and Aborigines.

<a href="" mce_href="">UFOs the Best Evidence - The Government Cover-up</a>

L*O*V*E* Y*O*U*!

June 12, 2009
Started By Dj Tweety9 Comments
Today is love u day. Send to everyone you love. Whether it s real love or friend love.

Did Anyone Ever Tell You
How Important You Make Others Feel
Somebody out here is Smiling
About Love that is so Real

Did Anyone Ever Tell You that
Many Times When They were Sad
Your E-mail (and chats) made Them Smile a bit
In Fact It made Them Glad

For the Time You Spend Sending Things
And Sharing whatever You Find
There are No Words to Thank You
But Somebody, Thinks You re Fine

Did Anyone Ever Tell You
Just How Much They Love You
Well, My Dearest Friend
Today I am Telling You

I believe that without a special
friend you are missing out on a lot.

(((((it is like dat for a reason editing of it....learn to copy n paste it in your reply here to this postvex boi unnu use unnu hed nuhpity)))____1Zpzz__wGvjpg_heart.gif

-- Edited by GLAMAROUS_RUE on Sunday 14th of June 2009 03:03:55 PM

Words Of Upliftment

May 24, 2009
Started By Msz JayBee8 Comments

I love the Lord and thank Him for all that He does in my life, therefore, I'm passing this on. Jesus is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday because in Him I live and move and have my being.

Without Him, I would be nothing.

Without Him, I am nothing

but with Him I can do all things.

Phil 4:13

*** FAMILY ***

May 29, 2009
Started By jamwomen4 Comments
The lauguage of the family is a language of peace, we all must always draw from it, lest we will lose the vocabulary for peace.

Black History Month

January 19, 2009
Started By Kingnuddy2 Comments

Since 1976 February has been recognized in America as "Black History Month" to celebrate the contributions of African Americans in our society and the world. It may surprise you that although "blacks" have been been in America as far back as colonial times, it was much later in the 20th century that their history and contribution to society has been given its due place in the American psyche and history books.
Carter G. Woodson
The person most noted for this change in attitude and celebration is Dr. Carter G. Woodson whose parents were former slaves in the South. He spent most of his young life working in the coal mines of Kentucky until he enrolled in high school at age twenty. He later earned a Ph.D. from Harvard. Ever a scholar, Dr. Woodson went on to change the consciousness of people regarding the true and positive place of "black Americans" in history books. He founded the Journal of Negro History, established the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History which later became the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History.
In 1926, Dr. Woodson started Negro History Week during the month of February to bring national attention to the contributions of African Americans throughout American history. He chose the month of February to honor the birthdays of two notable Americans who have contributed to the advancement of African Americans in the United States, namely Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.  
Other significant events in February: February 12, 1909: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in New York City by a group of concerned citizens. February 21, 1965: Assassination of Malcolm X. February 23, 1868: birthday of W. E. B. DuBois, the civil rights leader who co-founded the NAACP

Gary McKinnon accused of breaking into military and NASA computers in what he claims was a search for UFOs, allegedly causing nearly $1 million in damage has lost his appeal against extradition to the United States.

In his defense, McKinnon, known online as SOLO, said he was trying to expose security weaknesses and uncover evidence of UFOs.

"I was a man obsessed," McKinnon wrote on The Guardian newspaper's Web site last year, describing a year spent trying to break into U.S. military systems: eight hours a day at a computer in his girlfriend's aunt's house while unkempt, drinking beer and smoking marijuana.

In interviews, he claimed that his hacking uncovered photographic proof of alien spacecraft and the names and ranks of "non-terrestrial officers."


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