dj mud slide,born on the 12th of march 1988,is a young dj that to blow your mud slide had a lot off experience .he begon selecting/dj from the age of 13 in the community of rio bueno/JAMAICA on a sound called hatter flex and jah love sound BUT NOW ON HYPERACTIVE SOUND and ever since it was his dream to have a career in music.he has played music on countless occasion since being a child and to this date one of his most memorble performance was at the age off 18 at the green synegy compition.while a student at marcus garvey high,multi -talented dj mud slide also gained experience as a producer .he makes beats for couple lacal artist like charly black, sample,eko,jah wayne,cuban ,food kartel.etc.
Since being a child he had the chance of observing and learning from the best,legends such as the late squingy,stone love and alot more.these interactions resulted in an depth knowledge of selecting and dj ing techniques.after graduating from high school,dj mud slide gained expreience at some hotel ,parties fundays,dance and mud slide is a true dj on the verge of great success...surely "UNSTOPPABLE"