STOP VIrUSeS aND SPyWare COLD Proactive protection stops new viruses and malware that other products miss.
BOOST PerFOrMaNCe Optimize your system by identifying the applications that slow you down. Then, using Tune Up make the recommended corrective actions to improve the speed of your PC.
SaFeGUarD yOUr PrIVaCy Eliminate the chances your data and conversations are leaked to others over email, Facebook, IM, or websites that track your online activities.
CHOOSe yOUr VIeW Match the interface to your level of comfort by selecting between Basic, Intermediate, or Expert settingsand quickly create shortcuts to frequently used controls.
FIREWALL PROTECTION Establish a two-way firewall with just a few clicks, to continuously monitor your Internet connections and prevent unauthorized accesseven over a Wi-Fi network.
KeeP yOUr FaMILy SaFe With parental controls you'll receive reports, by browser, email, or cell phone, on recent online activity for each child's computer in your home network.
PLay aND WOrK SeaMLeSSLy Automatically activate Game, Laptop, or Silent Mode to minimize interruptions, prolong battery life, or reduce system load to ensure seamless and secure gameplay.