We've been taught we're just a collection of cells, and that we die when our bodies wear out. End of story. I've written textbooks showing how cells can be engineered into virtually all the tissues and organs of the human body. But a long list of scientific experiments suggests our belief in death is based on a false premise, that the world exists independent of us − the great observer.
Here are five reasons you won't die.
Reason One. You're not an object, you're a special being. According to biocentrism, nothing could exist without consciousness. Remember you can't see through the bone surrounding your brain. Space and time aren't objects, but rather the tools our mind uses to weave everything together.
Wow what a load of bull%&%*. Reality is based on the consciousness of individuals. Nothing really exist unless it is perceived in collective consciousness of people. That would mean people through thought could materialize water if they were thirsty. A Nobel Prize winning physicist postulated this. There are so many holes in this I would not know where to start. Absolute B u l l ****.