I am a young man and, up until earlier this year, I never had sex. But now I am having sex with prostitutes. I am addicted to them. I could not find a woman to be my girlfriend so I got involved with a prostitute. I paid her to have sex with me. Now I go to prostitutes often, every week for that matter. I am spending lots of money on prostitutes. I cannot help it. I need your advice.
Sex Addict.,
Dear Sex Addict.,
I am afraid that you are playing with your life. I hope you are not having unprotected sex with these women. If you truly wanted a woman, I believe you could have found one instead of becoming hooked by these prostitutes. They have taught you what you did not know and now you feel you cannot do without them. You are their regular customer and they know what to do to have you come again and again to see them. Prostitutes don't love their customers they only love the money that they earn from them.
seek professional help
Can you imagine how much money you would have had in the bank if you were not wasting it on prostitutes? Perhaps you should try to count it in your spare time. Can you imagine how much more you are going to spend if you continue this type of lifestyle.
You believe you are a sex addict. Therefore, you should seek professional help. Please, call a psychologist and make an appointment to see him/her.