1. List Five steps of serving Food And beverage to your guests Ans i. greet and seat guest ii. serve Water iii. Take Beverage Order And Serve Drinks iv. Present The food Menu v. Assist Guest In makng Food Selection 2.Which Side of The Guest Do you Serve Water? Ans.Right
3.Which Side of The Guest do you serve Beverage Ans:Right
4.Which Side of The Guest do you serve hot Coffee Ans: Right 5. Which Side of The Guest do you serve Hot Tea Ans: Right
6.What Is Cardinals? Ans: Cardinals are after Dinner Drinks: Mostly Sweet
7.Who Do you serve First? Man or Woman? Ans:Woman: If there Are No Children
8.What is a Halibut Steak? Fish Or Beef Ans: Fish
9.True Or False, Is Lime Served With Ice Tea. Ans.True
10. True Or False, Is Ketchup Serve With French Fries Ans:True
11.Name Two Jamaican Popular Hot Soup? Ans. i. Peas Soup ii. Pumpkin Soup
12.What Is Filet Mignon Ans: Tenderloin Of Beef
13. What is Guacamole in Spanish Ans: Avocado Or pear
14.What is Polenta In Spanish Ans.Cornmeal 15. What is Pescado In Spanish Ans: Fish 16.What is Cervea In Spanish Ans: Beer
17.What is Bambino in Spanish Ans: Baby
18. What is Totick andante in Spanish Ans: ToothPick 19.What is Langoustes in Spanish Ans Lobster 20. list the Order in Which Dinner is served
i.Cold Appetizer ii.Hot Appetizer iii.Soup iv.Salad v.Entree(main Course) vi.Dessert vii.Coffee, Tea, Postum Or Sanka viii. After Dinner Drinks, if Requested
21. Appetizer is Served on the LEFT and Cleared On the Right
22. Soup is Served on the LEFT and Cleared On the Right
23.Salad is Served on the LEFT and Cleared On the Right
24. Entree is Served on the LEFT and Cleared On the Right
25. Dessert is Served on the LEFT and Cleared On the Right
26. Coffee, Tea, Postum, or Saka is Served on the Right
27.After Drinks Is served on the right and Cleared on the Right