DETROIT - This is a story with a huge twist. The suspected shooter, who is locked up at the Wayne County Jail, is nearly 90 years old with no criminal past.
In a Detroit Police mug shot, R. B. Theus posed without emotion, but his ex, who asked not to be identified, says his love for her turned to rage Saturday night. He allegedly fought with her current 48-year-old boyfriend during a birthday celebration at a home on Russell.
"He came up and hit him, and then he jumped up and they got to tussling over the gun, said the ex. "Everybody was running a gunshot and the gun waiving and stuff."
The victim is in temporary serious condition at Detroit Receiving Hospital. He was shot in the chest.
Police told us Theus was carrying a gun illegally.
"It could've killed him, me and the rest of my family. We all were out there, the ex said.
The suspect is facing half a dozen charges, the most severe being assault with intent to murder.