New kid on the block and Head Concussion recording artiste Kamar Chan Dizzy Ho-sing last Wednesday shot the video for Nuh Strange Face hit latest single thats creating quite a buzz in the dancehall arena. Many players in the industry came out to lend their support to the young talent during the shoot. Among them were high riding deejay Aidonia, Suhverto, Konshens, Wayne Marshall, D-Major and Erup.
The video shot on location in Downtown Kingston, Constant Spring and Head Concussion Studios was directed by Road Block Films who is also responsible for the current street anthem Straight Jeans & Fitted featuring Vybz Kartel & Russian as well as Popcaans Dream.
In the video, a scenario is played out where a man comes to Chan Dizzys window whilst the artiste is in bed with his girlfriend and says Mi deejay yu nuh memba mi as Chan Dizzy reminds him that Mi nuh wah nuh strange face round mi.
According to Dizzy, Working on my first video, I was very excited. Bless up to all who came out to show their support.
Chan Dizzy video is set to release this weekend and will be the talk of the town. producer Tarik Russian Johnston added.
Chan Dizzy is slated to release a number of new singles in the coming weeks.