The police have already interviewed and released approximately 70 of the 277 persons taken into custody during curfews in the Spanish Town area yesterday
Included in the persons detained by the police were two women. The police also seized a home-made shotgun and a quantity of marijuana during the curfews. The police had imposed the curfews in selected areas from 4 a.m. yesterday.
But while most persons praised the initiative of the security forces, there were some that expressed concern about what will be eventually done to keep crime under control.
"While we welcome the work of the security forces, there has to be social change with the private sector and other groups working out ways to get the inner-city residents jobs," Dennis Robotham, president of the St Catherine Chamber of Commerce and Industry said.
Robotham said unless these persons are trained to think they can make positive contributions to the society, the exercise of the security forces would be in vain. Spanish Town Mayor, Dr Andrew Wheatley, while being thankful for the effort of the security forces, was somewhat cautious.
"I do hope that the job would be conducted with the respect of the human rights of all," Dr Wheatley said.