On January 13, 2007, Rochom Pngieng, 29, emerged from the Cambodian wilderness completely naked and incapable of uttering a single word. In late May 2010 she then fled back into the jungle. So who is this mysterious jungle woman and from where did she come?
The Kingdom of Cambodia lies in Southeast Asia, cramped between Thailand to the west and Vietnam to the East. Within its confines are countless jungles that house ancient temples and villages long abandoned, save for the occasional band of hungry macaque monkeys hunting for grub.
Among these monkeys was Rochom, a half animal girl who in January 2007 stumbled into a Cambodianvillage in Rattanakiri province naked and hunched over like a macaque. Her conspicuous activities, like scavenging for food like a lost puppy, soon caught the attention of local villagers like Sal Lou, a local police officer who came forward to claim her as his daughter after identifying a scar on her face.
well it proven now dat apes can raise a human being....wonder how she survive and if she swing from tree to tree like dem..... would be a good idea to guh look fi har and video monitor her in the bush fi see how she coping