Since the increased popularity of Cash for Gold vendors, and the subsequent increase in the amount of jewellery being stolen, the police are warning the public to be extra careful when it comes to personal property.
In a release issued yesterday, the Jamaica Consta-bulary Force urged persons to be especially aware.
The release stated, "This call by the police follows increases in the number of persons entering the Cash for Gold trade as buyers and sellers and the increases in larceny by criminals seeking gold to sell. In addition, criminal gangs, (those located in Spanish Town) are heavily involved in the trade.
It further urged citizens to practise the following precautionary measures :
1 . Do not leave jewellery loosely around at home. Keep and secure jewellery in safe places known only to a few trusted persons.
2. Make regular checks on jewellery in your possession.
3. Do not leave jewellery items and other valuables (example laptops) in vehicles especially in public parking areas.
4. Make assessments on the amount and type of jewellery worn depending on places to be visited.