WTF?? MOTHER COMES UNDER SCRUITY . . . FOR BREAST FEEDING HER 5 YEAR OLD!!! has learned that a British mother has come under scrutiy for BREAST FEEDING her 5 year old child. Here's how our buddies over at the Daily Mail are reporting it:
Mrs Hurst, who is seven months pregnant, is so convinced of the benefits of breastfeeding that she also feeds other peoples babies as well.
The childminder said she is a firm believe that breast is best, adding that breast milk is amazing and full of protein, fat and sugar.
It not only boosts Jonathan's immune system, it keeps me healthy too, by lowering my risk of breast cancer, she told the Mirror.
I childmind my friends' babies and, provided I've got permission, I breastfeed them too. The parents love it - it means they don't have to worry about expressing milk - I've got more than enough to go round.
A leading parents' charity today voiced its support for Mrs Hurst, saying mothers who breastfeed older children face 'cultural opposition' to the practice.