Policeofficials in soca-loving island, Trinidad have attempted to block JamaicandeejayBlakRyno, also known as RynoDiStinga, from entering the country, but their plan failed.
Ryno performed at a concert there on Saturday, and reports are that the event was well attended and went very well.
ActingDeputyCommissioner of PoliceGilbertReyes said he had written a letter to NationalSecurityMinisterMartinJoseph, requesting that Ryno, whose real name is RomaineAnderson, be barred from entering the country.
Reyes says he is moving to block from entering the island, any regional or internationalartiste whose musiccontributes and appears to influencegang-relatedactivity and behaviour.
And, while he did not name any of BlakRynos songs, the Trinidad cop declared that Rynos music has ganglyricalcontent that is unwanted in Trinidad.
He also said that anyone who has that type of lyrical content in their music, the government will be asked to blockthem from entering the country.
a long time over 500 man a dead inna trinidad so how de fetch dem waan come start pan rhyno case ????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dem need fe go up Lavantill an Mova an try curb de crime an stop cower behind de image of dancehall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!