SHOCKING PICS!!! NURSE PULLS PREMATURE BABY OUT OF INCUBATOR . . . STICKS IT IN HER POCKET!! (WARNING - DISTURBING IMAGES) learned that a A senior nurse at Haifas Bnei Zion Medical Centers neonatal unit was photographed with a premature baby girl in her pocket. The nurse reportedly took the photo as a PRANK, and planned on putting it up on her Facebook Page.
Here's how a local newspaper is reporting the OUTRAGE in the medical community over the images:
Oren Malberger, head of Lahav, the Israeli preemie association, was appalled by the photo: This is outrageous and something must be done, he told Ynet. The neonatal unit at Bnei Zion is a reputable one, but this incident demonstrates, once again, the grave shortage of personnel in such units, which sometimes results in hospitals having to hire people who fail to meet the high standards required of neonatal professionals. Nevertheless, we are sure the hospital will handle the incident in the proper manner. Ilana Cohen, head of the Israeli Nurses Union, was equally horrified: Never, in all my years of nursing, have I seen such a thing. Its absolutely horrible. They could have used a doll.