The Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) on Wednesday had assets seized by bailiffs attempting to recover more than 12,000 pounds owed for the Reggae Boyz 2006 tour to England.
The money is owed to NVA Management Limited, for organising the game played at Old Trafford.
Upon receiving notice of possible action by NVAmore than six months ago, JFF General Secretary Horace Reid said the JFF tried negotiating, but it has not worked.
Office furniture and appliances were among the assets taken.
"Hopefully it will not affect the ability of the Federation to function because as you would appreciate we have very, very important information that is stored on our computers and it is going to affect other things, so let's see what happens," Mr. Reid said.
The JFF also owes the English FA 135,000 pounds for that match, but have been allowed to defer payment until after the World Cup in June.