AN ORGANISATION founded by prominent Liberal senator Cory Bernardi is promoting an anti-Earth Hour event, urging people to turn on their lights in defiance of the climate awareness movement.

Organisers of ''Human Achievement Hour'' are encouraging households to go about their normal business during Earth Hour from 8.30pm this Saturday to recognise ''the incredible accomplishments of the human race''.

''Don't be stuck in the dark with the communists. Turn your lights on!'' the senator's group urges on its website.

''While earth hour activists will be left in the dark, Human Achievement Hour participants will be going to the cinema, enjoying a hot meal, driving their car or watching television.''

Human Achievement Hour was founded last year by an American free-market think-tank, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, as a reaction to WWF's Earth Hour, which urges people to turn their lights off to promote efforts to mitigate global warming.

In Australia, the Conservative Leadership Foundation, founded and chaired by Senator Bernardi, is promoting the event on its website and on Facebook.

Senator Bernardi's connection to the campaign highlights deep divisions in the Opposition over the issue of global warming. A vocal sceptic of man-made climate change, he was part of a group of conservative Liberals who last year toppled Malcolm Turnbull over his support for the government's emissions trading scheme and replaced him with Tony Abbott.

Mr Abbott promoted Senator Bernardi to shadow parliamentary secretary assisting the Opposition Leader and shadow parliamentary secretary for infrastructure and population.

The foundation's campaign includes posters and brochures that supporters are urged to download from the website and distribute to schools, universities and workplaces.

One poster includes a satellite photo of east Asia at night, with arrows pointing to lit-up cities in Japan and South Korea inhabited by ''freedom loving capitalists'', and to a large area of darkness showing that ''freedom hating communists in North Korea don't have lights''.

The foundation is also holding a competition for the most creative photo of a person celebrating Human Achievement Hour while holding a poster. On the website a young man holds the poster, with his thumbs up, in front of what appears to be a power-plant billowing smoke.

Senator Bernardi said yesterday that the campaign made him laugh, but it was not his idea and was being run by university students who volunteer at his think tank. He added that he did not know what he would do during Earth Hour but ''celebrating human achievement no doubt''.

''I don't support tokenism,'' he said, referring to Earth Hour. ''People will make up their own minds.''

A spokesman for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said, ''people should decide for themselves what they want to do.

''Unlike Mr Rudd's ETS, at least Earth Hour is some form of direct action and it doesn't involve a great big new tax on everything.''

Shadow environment spokesman Greg Hunt, who held a press conference last month pledging his support for Earth Hour, said: ''The Liberal Party is a broad church.''

Earth Hour is organised by WWF and sponsored by Fairfax, the owner of The Age. It is on Saturday between 8.30pm and 9.30pm.