West Coast rapper Game revealed that his upcoming R.E.D. Album will include a song with Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne's protege signed to Young Money. Writing on his Twitter page last night, Game said Young Money's first lady made the album cut."Nicki Minaj made the R.E.D. album. gone be CLASSIC."
An angry fan responds that they won't buy the album if Minaj is on it, even though the fan bought each of the past Game albums. "RT @THEREALCAWB: @ihategame stop f*cking ignoring my tweets if you keep niki on the album im not buying and i bought all your albums you" Nicki responds to the angry fan herself: "@THEREALCAWB well don't buy it then f*ggot !!! no dis-respect to y'all gay folks but this n*gga might be mo h*mo than y'all."