It was only a matter of time before the Jamaican poor started feeling it. The government claimed to have given an alternative tax package, but ifyou ask us nothing has changed.
Come January 16 commuters will have to dig a little deeper in their pockets for bus and taxi fares. For those who have to take about three vehicles before they reach theirdestination it will be three times as hard.
The Ministry of Transport issued a release giving the thumbs up to the increase on Tuesday afternoon.
However, the Ministry also announced that this will be the last increase granted for the next two years.
Transport Minister, Mike Henry says this in keeping with the two yearwage freeze recently announced in respect of the public sector work-force.
The hike in fares follows the recent recommendation by the Office of Utilities Regulations (OUR) for an 18% increase.
An additional two percent was added in recognition of the soon-to-be-effected surcharge on fuel sales.
The three official umbrella taxi associations, the National Council ofTaxi Associations, the National Association of Taxi Operators and theRoute Taxi Association of Jamaica had originally requested a 30% to adjustment.
In the meantime, in relation to the state-owned Jamaica Urban TransitCompany (JUTC) services, the company's application for a rate increaseand the applicable OUR recommendation will be examined by the Cabinetearly in the New Year, with a decision to be announced there after.