Rocky Baptiste is something of a non-league (read: semi-professional) legend in England and, at 37 years old, has a respectable record for scoring goals.
I preface with that because his miss last Saturday -- shown at the start of the video above -- was easily one of the most mind-meltingly bad misses of all time. And I say that without hyperbole. It was really that bad. I did he do that?! Once he beat the goalkeeper, I thought he was literally going to walk the ball into the net. Instead, he did that. And I'm pretty sure doing that was a scientific impossibility. Until, you know, he did it.
Luckily for Baptiste, his team was winning 5-3 at the time and the match would end with that scoreline. But as you can see in the second part of the video (taken from a match in October), that miss is hardly indicative of Baptiste's skill on the pitch.