Alliance selector Oneil 'Foota Hype' Thomas who is at odds with his former friend Mavado, was released fomr jail earlier this week, but not before being slapped with a 'simple assault' charge after he and other men from the community assaulted a resident following a shooting incident at him mother's home.
Friday night on local television Foota along with the help of local police revisited his home town where he proceeded to remove a mural of himself, using white paint that showed him and Mavado being hailed as community heroes.
Foota explained that he chose to remove his image because he no longer knows the person beside him in the painting. The 'alliance gangster' image was left untouched.
Out of fear for his life and the safety of his family, Foota has chosen to leave his birthplace behind and added that sine Mavado classed him as being 'badmind, red eye, ungrateful and the devil', he is asking the gangster to leave him alone and let him live in peace.
"Right now a katch mi a katch a people place, but mi move mi mother and she alrite.." he added.