Motorists in Temple Hall, St Andrew, on Monday experienced the shock of their lives when they witnessed a man being pulled from a car, being shot three times and his body pushed over the bank of a river.
An anonymous source told THE STAR that at about 8 a.m., a white Toyota car stopped at a corner on the Temple Hall main road, preventing any other vehicles from passing and causing a traffic pile-up on both sides of the road.
Shortly after, two men were seen pulling a man from the car. The man's hands were tied behind his back and a bag over his face.
According to the source, the man was shot three times in his head. The gunmen then kicked the dead man over the riverbank and drove off.
The Stony Hill Police Station told THE STAR that the man's body is still unidentified. The deceased is believed to be in his 30s, weighing approximately 120 pounds. The body was clad in a blue long-sleeved shirt, white undershirt, blue jeans pants and black sneakers.
A police source told THE STAR that it is believed that the dead man was a conductor. The Stony Hill police are investigating.