Police constable Raymond Campbell, who is charged with the murder of his wife, Kerry Ann Brown-Campbell, appeared in the Home Circuit Court yesterday.
He was remanded until June 12 when a bail application will be made.
The Crown is alleging that Campbell fatally shot his wife to prevent her from testifying against him in a shooting with intent case.
Campbell, who was stationed at a police station in St James, is charged jointly with 26-year-old truck driver Greg Cameron for the murder. Cameron is on bail.
Campbell's wife went missing in August last year and the body has not been found.
He was also arrested and charged in January 2007 with shooting with intent and illegal possession of firearm.
He was accused of firing shots at some policemen in St James. He was freed of the charges last week after Supreme Court Judge Jennifer Straw said she did not believe the policemen's testimony.
Campbell is being represented by attorney-at-law Peter Champagnie.