Personally i think that if someone got mugged with a $5000 bill, him salt cuz that a too much money in one place, further more the value of the weaker bills are gonna drop, a grand gonna be like a five bills, a five bills gonna be like a bills, a bills gonna be like a fifty and so on. i dunno its good but wacked, theres also a debate about who should be on it, the BOJ is gonna put Hugh Shearer on it jamaica's third prime minister, other people are saying it should have been bob marley, they're wacked, wacked i tell you lol, what'er your views i'll soon get an image of it for you
our dollar is losing its value, so they say, they say it will save them billions by doing this bill, i don't know how this will work but for most jamaicans it really doesn't matter bcuz our lives and standard of living just remains the same or seems to be getting worse.
Seriously my views are solely based on two issues politics and logic, logically it is rather stupid as the value of the Jamaican currency is not as weak as they perceive thus making the implementation of such a high denomination utterly unnecessary. eg. There is no route in Jamaica that one travels on a single transport which costs a thousand dollars so how is a five thousand dollar note justifiable? The issue of politics is another thing, the JLP are just trying to prove they can have a JLP person on a note too as the PNP made the 1 thousand dollar note which highly criticized call the PNP money, so they just made one which is much more valuable and put a JLP on it thus making a JLP money which is rather dumb to me. The introduction of this note is based solely in stupidity and lack of proper thought which is reflective of most other decisions made by our current Government.
the government has a say in the devaluation of the dollar jus for who didnt knw. when the dollar devalues, our goods seem cheaper to foreign ppl so they buy goods from us cause its cheap to them. if we revalued or jamaican currency then exports would decrease. the aim of the government is to reduce imports and increase exports. butttttt.....the government is saying the reason for the 5000 is not that they wanted to make a bill then they ended up putting him on it, its them celebrating his 86th bday so they make the 5000 bill. lol....or so they say....they r gonna talk bout it soon.