It is with growing concern that we observe the epidemic of teenage girls having sexual relations with bus drivers and conductors, not to mention their loose behavior on the buses. One cannot recall such reports during the era of the JOS transportation system - but when the mini busses, namely the 'Quarter million' and Encava busses came on stream, the girls just 'bruk out'. This could be blamed on the perversion of drivers and conductors of these buses. During the 80's to present day the buses are designed to impress and attract the young girls. They are colorfully designed with catchy names imprinted across the top of the windshield and have creative graphics done on the bodies. They are each accessorised with up to date audio and video systems which would belt out the latest songs at ear splitting decibels, much to the delight of all school goers. Girls especially were impressed with the added attention of bus conductors who would 'talk them up', usually not charging them any fare. It was especially ego boosting to be the one selected for the added attention, especially when one would normally hear the 'ductors shouting, at each bus stop, "No schoolers!" but then be the one schooler to be smiled at and allowed entrance on said same bus. The poor girl could not help but be flattered. Now it has escalated. Girls are not as shy and easily impressed as they were two decades ago. Conductors no longer have to 'talk up a girl' as she would do the 'talking up' herself. Girls today would be the 'selector' on a bus as she will request each song that she wants to hear. Their uniforms are shorter and the pockets cut out for easy access for nimble fingers and other body parts as they 'doubled up', meaning girls in a boys lap when the bus is filled. Some of these school girls today are totally immoral and will do absolutely anything to gain the attention of the desired male. Eyebrows are sculptured, face bleached, or powdered, eyes lined and lips perfectly glossed, while in uniform! Just a few weeks ago while at a stop light I observed some female students in the back of a Hiace minivan which was vibrating with music. They were bouncing about in their seat arms and head swinging as they did the 'dutty wine', when the music 'sweet' them they clapped their hand and cursed badwords to show their excitement. When one girl caught me staring at them with obvious disapproval she just slammed the window shut and continued gyrating.