Some people marry each other, divorceand then re-marry. This sounds ridiculous but it happens and in most of the cases marriage ends indivorce, never to come together again. Most people try to linger on to their marriage. They do not know when todivorce. Let us try to understand the reasons why people want to divorce. Some frequently cited reasons for divorce:
1. Lack of commitment towards marriage, sexual incompatibility and infidelity Commitment may be lacking in one of the partnersbecause marriage happens not always out of love. It could be seen as making a good deal and when it is found that the deal is not what he or she expecteddivorcehappens. Besides, people looking for quick solutions cannot sustain marriage for long.
Philandering habits die hard and this leads to infidelity. People with uncontrollable libido or unhappy with his or her partner cannot be loyal to their partners. So when the wife or husband comes to know of his or her partner cheating on him or her divorce turns out to be the answer. The question that arises is when to divorce.
2. Lack of communication between spouses Without communication no relationship can be effective. Keeping your resentments simmering within, your partner does not come to know what is happening with you and this is likely to create distance between you and your partner.
3.Abandonment, Alcohol Addiction, Substance Abuse When one of the partners deserts his or her partner for quite some time or a longer perioddivorce emerges as the answer. One leaves his or her partner because of the latter’s bad habits.
Alcohol addictionand abuse prevent marital bliss because of the change in behavior pattern which makes an adverse impact upon mental peace and physical security.
4. Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Emotional Abuse These abuses are not uncommon and tolerating them is not good and a person who loves himself or herself would not put with such abuses.
5.Inability to manage or resolve conflict Lack of maturity disables one to manage conflicts and handle personality differences or ‘irreconcilable differences’
6.Differences in personal and career goals People who cohabit before marriage have higher rates ofdivorcethan people who didn’t cohabit before marriage because differences become gigantic in course of time. Initial comfort before marriage was imagined to take things ahead in future but in reality it does not happen.
7. Different expectations about household tasks and financial problems When expectations do not match it affects relationships most. This leads to personality conflict because none of them are willing to do things or are ready to sacrifice their time and comfort.
Because what one wants the other to do, the other does not do there is dissatisfaction and frustration. In such instances love becomes sour. This exacerbates with financial problemsbecause material needs remain unfulfilled and creates discontent in the minds of both the partners as one cannot give and feels humiliated and the other is frustrated because of long standing inconveniences.
8. Intellectual Incompatibility and Inflexibility Intellectual incompatibility creates misunderstandings. And the smarter person feels frustrated while the less intelligent partner is mad about not reaching the level of intelligence of the other and makes life miserable for himself or herself and for the others also.
9. Mental Instability or Mental Illness Insanity does not allow space for normal communication.
10. Religious beliefs, cultural and lifestyle differences Cultural values clash unless we are highly adaptive in nature. Orthodoxy leads to intolerance and conservatism gags the spontaneity of life. So this leads to divorceafter some time of marriage
Communication is key most of those points could be eliminated if couples communicated in the right way. Points 5,6,7,8 are prime examples of what I'm referring too.