Throughout the Chris Brown-Rihanna assault drama, there have been numerous rumors on what started the incident. has done its best to NOT report anything that wasn't grounded IN FACT.
But heres what senior writer Douglas C. Lyons of the South Florida SUN-SENTINEL wrote:
Amid all this drama are all the unfounded Internet rumors One that supposedly sparked the melee stands out: Rihanna gave Brown genital herpes, which she allegedly picked up from Jay-Z..
I'm not expecting this incident to prompt Brown, Rihanna or Jay-Z to begin a p.r.- campaign against STDs, although it would be nice.
WOW!!! To put things into perspective, in 2004 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel won the prestigious Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism.
And the mainstream media tries to knock for our journalistic ethics LMAO!!!