A new music survey conducted by UK indie label Marrakesh Records has suggested that young music fans in the UK may prefer listening to music to having sex.
Around 1,000 people aged 15-24 filled in the survey, with 60 per cent of those who took part saying that they would prefer to go without sex for a week than without listening to music.
Those questioned on the whole felt that they shouldn't have to pay for music, with 61 per cent saying it should be free, and 70 per cent saying they felt no guilt for downloading music free.
The average amount of music in respondents' collections that had not been paid for was 43 per cent.
Despite the survey showing that most respondents downloaded music, with 81 per cent having used an MP3 player in the week running up to filling in the survey, 70 per cent said they had bought a CD within the same week.
The full results of the survey will be available to view at Marrakeshrecords.com on Monday (February 16).