Lorenzo King, pastor of the Andrews Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church, say it is very difficult to support the marriage ban as wedlock was one of the first God-given gifts to humankind.
"When God created Adam, He said the man should not be alone and so he proceeded to make Eve and marry them later," said King.
He added that marriage was necessary for individual and societal fulfilment as it was the primary institution of social engineering.
"As highlighted in the Bible, most of the people in the early days were married with a family, so it didn't say a person who is providing full-time service to the Lord shouldn't have a family," King argued.
King argued that though celibacy was a spiritual commitment, as evident in the life of the apostle Paul, that should be a personal decision, not an imposition from church authority.
However, the Rev Dr Karl Johnson, general secretary at the Jamaica Baptist Union, said he had great admiration for the devotion of priests and nuns.
"I respect persons who, in pursuit of their vocation, decide that they will forego the marital experience, as singleness is not a sin," Johnson said.
I always said that it was a personal choice !!!!chruch !! it's a catholic religion ting na make sense why cut ya life off from woman and de almighty a make it so fe have woman!!~!~!~! poor alter boy's!!!!