Despite my ripe old age of 73...I am member of MZJ because I love music and meeting people...but I am also a member for more serious reasons.
I can advertise my business
It is significantly cheaper to employ online social networking strategies than to pay for advertising. When you social network, you can prescreen potential customers. You learn what your prospects like and what they don’t. That personal relationship you gain when you connect with your potential customer is more valuable than what you would get had you advertised. Advertising is impersonal: the “one size fits all” concept does not seem to work anymore.
Credibility and trust
Connecting with prospects on a personal level builds trust and credibility. A general rule of thumb is to offer your services, expertise or help before you ask for it. It is acceptable to promote your services when asked. If you’re not careful, your attempts could be considered spam. Instead, wait for the opportunities to present themselves instead of forcing a situation.
It’s Who You Know
When you socialize, you meet others who know others. How are you going to meet the president of a large corporation? You start by talking to his friends. You ask your associates if they know someone who is connected with him And on and on.
Social networking relationships are supposed to benefit both parties. Never take more than you give. When the opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to ask your contact to introduce you to a prospect. The old saying rings true: it’s not what you know; it’s who you know.
Think about it fellow's always about the fun and play but always bear in mind the other more meaningful potentially productive long term relationships...
When you socialize, you meet others who know others. How are you going to meet the president of a large corporation? You start by talking to his friends. You ask your associates if they know someone who is connected with him And on and on.
^^^^^^ this is true ^^^
If u dont like my opinion/topic/comment I still dont Gave a F*** .