On December 18th, 2008, a 10 year-old 5th grader named Chao Qun Zheng went to his elementary school in HeNan, China. When his teacher, Guo, found out that young Zheng had not completed his homework, she flipped out.
She was very angry at the time, he said. She ripped and twisted my cheeks with both her hands and then she lifted me off the ground.
The teacher held the boy up until one of his cheeks actually ripped off and the boy was bleeding profusely.
Without hesitation the teacher reached down and picked up Zhengs cheek skin, put it on his face, and instructed the boy go home immediately.
When the parents saw Zheng, they immediately took him to the hospital where it took 52 stitches to have his cheek sewn back on.
Zhengs father has reported the case to the police and is expected to press for damages.
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.