A conflict has once again developed between the Broadcasting Commission and popular talk show host, Dr Kingsley 'Ragashanti' Stewart.
Yesterday, Stewart complained on air during his programme, 'Ragashanti Live', on Newstalk 93 FM, while the Commission issued a release about a b**** threat on its offices and reaffirming its commitment to policing the airwaves.
Stewart said he felt he was being treated unfairly by the commission, who had written to him (the station) about a soca song he had played during his show some time ago. He complained that the commission said the lyrics of the song were too sexual for the airwaves, but that songs of a similar nature were being allowed on air elsewhere.
B**** Squad
While on air, Stewart threatened to walk off the programme if he did not have the support of his manager. He even told listeners that he was unsure if he would be on air today, as he had a meeting with his manager to discuss the issue following the show. Efforts to get a comment from the station or Stewart up to news time were unsuccessful.
Yesterday, the commission also sent out a press release stating that it had received a b**** threat at 12:21 p.m. "The caller used expletives and alleged that the commission was threatening to remove the host of the Newstalk 93 FM programme, 'Ragashanti Live' ... and in return, action would be taken against the commission, specifically that a b**** had been planted at its office to be detonated in the afternoon," the release said.
As a result of the threat, the commission's New Kingston offices were evacuated and that of some of business places nearby, while the Police B**** Squad were called in to investigate the threat. After no b**** was found the all clear was given. The police are now investigating the matter.
In the meantime, Dr Hopeton Dunn, chairman of the commission, said it would continue to do its work despite threats. "The commission will not be intimidated by such actions and will continue to resolve to rid the airwaves of inappropriate content," the release said.