As Landline Internet Mobile and Entertainment (LIME) comes towards the end of downsizing exercises, a further 50-100 workers are set to lose their jobs over the next nine months.
The job cuts are part of some 1,200 set to be on the chopping board regionally.
Errol Miller, regional vice-president for corporate communications at LIME, formerly Cable and Wireless, said the layoffs would be conducted periodically until September 2009.
Almost complete
In Jamaica, Miller said the restructuring of the company was almost complete and, therefore, these were the last of the downsizing.
"We are moving to a number that is optimum for operation," said Miller.
The employee target for the company regionally is 2,500. Currently, there are 3,700 workers across the Caribbean.
Miller said he was unaware of when the job cuts would begin.
The company, which competes with two other telecommunications firms locally, has been reducing staff for the last seven months.
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.