Movie maker Steve "Tehut-Nine" McAlpin and the team behind the hit movie "What Goes Around" are thrilled after learning that their movie made Canadian history for being the first Caribbean themed movie to premiere at the prestigious Yorkdale movie theatre.
Presented by Jaydees Entertainment and L3 Publicity, the movie saw swift ticket sales ahead of the premiere date, and a line up extending around the movie theatre prior to the box office opening at 6:30pm. The movie theatre manager, Roy, said "I have not seen ticket sales like this, or demand like this, since the showing of Batman: Dark Knights. This is crazy!" Based on this successful staging, Jaydees and L3 plan to take the movie national with showings in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Windsor, London, Kitchener, Hamilton, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax.
"We are pleased to be able to provide opportunities to our Caribbean movie directors and producers", says Natasha Von Castle from L3 Publicity. "Based on the feedback, and the number of people who asked for second and third showings, as well as the few who drove from Buffalo and Detroit to attend the Canadian premiere, we see this as a win-win for the community as well as individuals who aspire to make movie making their career".
Steve and team have several showings scheduled for the US including Atlanta, Boston and Los Angeles.
About the Movie:
"What Goes Around" stars Nohard Grant, Flippa Maffia, Sakina Samuda, Kim Goss, Dayne McDonald, Kashna Clarke, Tashika Carpenter, Ras Atiba, Vivienne Bent, Michael Bridges, Mavado, KC Jockey, Ding Dong and Supa Twitch.
Directed by Steve "Tehut-Nine" McAlpin, this bold movie follows the romantic relationships of two brothers, taking the viewer through their triumphs and failures, as well as the tangled webs they weave with the women they love, like or just 'check for'. Dramatic, funny, thought provoking and serious, the movie addresses the emotional toll as well as tackle the epidemic of HIV/AIDS and the stereotypes that are pervasive in the Caribbean community.
We have embedded the official trailer below for your viewing pleasure (see video below)