Former national footballer Onandi Lowe, was freed of drug charges in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate's Court on Monday.
Two other persons were also freed with Lowe. They are Jermaine Ellis and Sophia Stewart.
A third accused, Damien Perry, pleaded guilty to being armed with offensive weapon, while Orlando Isaacs pleaded guilty to possession of and dealing in ganja.
Found in motor car
On December 23, 2007, Lowe and the others were picked up by police along the Spanish Town bypass after a quantity of ganja was found in a motor car being driven by the former national striker.
The court learnt that on the day in question around noon, members of the Island Special Constabulary Force stopped a Honda motor car. During a search, several small parcels of ganja were found near the car's steering wheel. A knife was also found. They were all charged with possession and dealing in ganja.
Lowe, Stewart, Ellis and Perry had all maintained their innocence through the many court appearances, while Isaacs had indicated from early that the drug belonged to him.
When the case was first mentioned, the crown refused that plea. But when the matter came before Resident Magistrate Marcia Dunbar-Green on Monday, she freed Lowe and the other accused
It was the second time that Lowe had been freed of drug charges. He was arrested on similar charges years ago, but was later freed.