A BLONDE has made neighbours lives hell for 2½ years with her noisy BONKING. Screaming Kerry Norris, 29, regularly keeps at it until 6am her headboard banging her flats wall.
Shocked neighbour Michelle Tyrrell yesterday told JPs how her daughter aged four asked her: Mummy what does f*** me mean?
Michelle who also said Norris sunbathed naked in full view of workmen said: My daughter has nightmares because of what she heard.
HGV driver Richard Powell, 36, said he had to take days off work due to lack of sleep.
He told local JPs in Brighton: The headboard keeps me awake all night.
Wife Sarah said: Its disgusting.
Mum-of-one Norris hauled into court for breaking a noise abatement order insisted: I have a normal sex life.
Lover Adam Hinton declared: She does call out. But she doesnt call out f*** me we just do it.
Norris was fined £200 plus £100 costs and told to pay a £15 victim surcharge.