I am a guy of just 24 years old, not much life lived, but I feel like I have been living a long time because of the fact that I became a man too soon.
Play women like a game
I started out having sex at a very young age. I thought it was great that I could do that, but now I have a problem that I can't seem to get rid of. I can't find love, or should I say, I don't know how to love, or even if I can, I have become this person that only wants women for sex, and after I have got what I worked for, I keep moving on. I play women just like a game that I have played over and over again and know all the levels by heart, and they always fall for it.
Wanting new women
In high school, I had girls in all grades, while I was just in first form. I have left Jamaica and this problem has followed me even here. I met a woman, who has been there for me for a long time, and I know she really cares for me, but I just can't stop wanting more new women. I treat her nicely and make her feel special, but that is how I treat every woman I talk to.
Pastor, I am miserable. I am not able to have one woman that I can say is truly mine and be faithful to her, but I am not in denial that I am addicted to sex. But the problem is, pastor, I am addicted to sex and new women. Please, help me.
P.K., Nassau, Bahamas
Dear P.K.,
Men who believe that they are sex addicts should seek psychotherapy. They are not just having a physical problem, but a mental disorder.
I therefore suggest that if you are serious about getting help, you ask your doctor to refer you to someone, who can go through the long process of therapy with you.
I must add that in the USA, there are support groups for sex addicts. I do not know if there are such groups in the Bahamas.
lolololol.....so a me slow or what....whats the prob...him want find love.....lololol.....a real ediot...nigga need fi wake up....a just so the thing set....n if him see how love mek ladies gravel at him feet....why him want find it fi gravel at somebody foot....da yute ya loose