I am 20 years old. I have been involved with a guy for a year and two months, and now I'm six months pregnant. Everything was going OK until someone called me and told me that he is married and has a son and I must leave him alone.
I confronted him about it and he denied it, but my instincts are telling me that it's true. He says he doesn't have a son, but he was involved with a girl for three years who is in the States.
He said she was filing for him but he refused the offer. Now she wants them to get married so that they can be together. He has completely changed and whenever she calls him he always comes and starts an argument with me. I told him he should go because I can't take it anymore, but he refuses to. He says he is not leaving until his mission is complete.
Pastor, I am really confused and I await your fatherly advice.
S.H., St James, Jamaica
Dear S.H.,
I regret hearing that this man lied to you and you are carrying his child. Don't believe the nonsense that the young woman was filing for him to live in the USA but he was not interested. And she wants them to get married. He is trying to make you feel stupid. He is not telling you the truth.
Wait for call
When you got the telephone call, you should have asked the caller for his/her number. But don't worry, the person may call again and you will hear more.
What is his mission? Is it to get you pregnant again? Let him go his way.