One of our major problems in today's society is the willingness to yield to misconduct amid pressure. In times past, God gave strict orders for persons to be put to death for copulating with someone of the same sex, as with the opposite sex. In Jamaica today, there's a daily increase in homosexuality, in all walks of life. Jamaica is known for its violently homophobic culture, yet millions here are becoming gays.
Don't you think a law should be administered against homosexuals as they are already giving up their human rights by forsaking God's command and lying with another man?
O.S., St Andrew, Jamaica
Dear O.S.,
You are a nut. Yes, a nut. It is only a religious nut who would advocate that homosexuals be killed. The Bible condemns homosexuality. It is clearly outlined that that lifestyle is not sanctioned by God. Two men should not have sex with each other. Neither should two women. But you don't have the right to kill them.
The Bible says that women who commit adultery should be stoned. Would you be willing to stone our women (and men too) who have committed adultery?
lol, why pastor behaving like that. The woman neva sey people must kill them. The lady say, according to the bible so and so, but she neva sey, the new law must be that people are free to kill them. lol
But still, i dont think this lady knows that there is a law that says if gays are caught in the act, they can get up to 10 yrs in jail. Its just that its not being implemented, or people not catching them in the act or something