The plot thickens on the whole 50 Cent-Ciara wedding rumor. was the first news source in the world to tell you that in recent weeks artists 50 Cent and Ciara have both been wearing what appear to be wedding rings. We were also the first news source in the world to tell you that the two platinum selling artists are romantically involved.
Y'all know that's reporters are good at getting to the bottom of things. And the first thing we learned in this reporting game - is that when the artist sends out their publicist to lie for them - that means your digging up the right tree.
And that's exactly what happened yesterday. 50 Cent's official rep sent us the following statement:
50 cent is not engaged or married. He is currently filming a movie where his character is married, hence the wedding ring.
Now you see that there 50. You done messed up. Cause we got a picture of you wearing the ring while on the tour in Africa - 8,000 miles away from the movie set in New Orleans. And common sense tells us that ain't a man in the world gonna put on a wedding ring when he's on tour - unless he's married.
Ladies and gentlemen, where there's smoke there's fire. And we smell a blaze is about to pop off. And when the mainstream press starts picking up on this story - which was uncovered by's crack reporters and readers, don't forget where you heard about it first.