We Jamaicans love criss tings and we have the Visa and Mastercard bills to prove it. Now while having a credit card can be a wonderful thing, but having credit card debt is not so wonderful. Jamaicans owe a whopping $14.4 billion on their credit card bills as at March 2008, according to the Bank of Jamaica. That is a 56 per cent jump from the $9.2 billion owed in March 2006 and a 31 per cent increase from the $11 billion owed in March 2007.
And while the national credit card bill has been growing steadily by double digits, wages and the overall economic output has not. Single digit pay increases are commonplace and the gross domestic product (GDP), the measurement of the country's output of goods and services has always hoovered under 3 per cent. Karen Fitz Ritson, financial analyst and director of Fitz Ritson & Associates, says, "People need to look behind the numbers and seriously ask themselves where is the productivy that matches this level of consumption."
Some would agrue with inflation raging at 17.9 per cent for the 12 month period ending March 2008. Persons are using their credit cards to fund their day-to-day expenses. Fitz Ritson states that, "People really need to reevaluate their budget. Something has to give. We can't continue to spend beyond our means." Of course, if you are living within your means but are carrying old credit card debt, with interest rates at a low of 38 per cent charged on the orginal debt, not the balance you owe, old debt is very, very expensive debt.
Get out of Debt If you are serious about getting out of credit card debt, the very first step is to spend less than you make. If you can't pay for it today, that means you can't afford it. Financial advisor Barbara Bedway offers more steps to get out of credit card debt.
1. Call a halt to new charges. The smartest money-management move you can make is also the simplest: to reduce old debt quickly, avoid incurring new debt. Once your credit card debt is paid off, resolve to pay off all new credit card charges in full when the bill comes.
2. Set a realistic goal. Your main goal may be to get out of debt entirely, but depending on your debt level, that may be too overwhelming to accomplish right away. To keep up your incentive, try setting smaller, more immediate goals that you can celebrate as you reach them. Paying off one credit card is a good example. When you've reduced your debt to the goal you've set, you can use the extra money you'll have each month to reach other goals.
3. Prune your plastic Though it's rarely a good idea to carry more than two credit cards, most people own a bundle. This increases the potential for fees and penalties, makes it difficult to keep track of balances, and of course adds even more impulse-buying firepower to your wallet. Caution: Don't just stick your unwanted cards in a drawer and stop using them! The account remains open until you tell the company to cancel.
4. Prioritize your debt payments. Make up a spending plan that will include payments to cover the minimum amounts on all your loans and credit cards. Develop a strategy for reducing your debts as quickly as possible. You can do this in one of two ways:
*Pay off the debts with the smallest balances first. Putting a little extra money toward the smaller-balance bills gives you a psychological boost, as those debts are more quickly eliminated.
*Pay off high-rate cards first. This method saves you the most in the long run. That's because those high-interest cards eat up most of your monthly payments in finance charges, instead of going toward paying off your bills. Once you've paid off the most expensive bills, more money is freed up to pay other bills--what's known as the the "debt snowball" effect.