Vale Royal talks tackle crime published: Sunday | June 15, 2008
THE BIPARTISAN Vale Royal talks between the governing Jamaica Labour Party and the Opposition People's National Party (PNP) to find solutions to the country's growing crime problem took place last Wednesday after a protracted delay.
Prime Minister Bruce Golding implored Jamaicans to join the fight against crime, thus helping to decide their own future.
Golding said the society had to make some choices, whether or not it was prepared to be inconvenienced in order to strengthen the country's capacity to restore order to communities that have been taken over by criminal elements.
More than 700 persons have been murdered since January, with the month of May accounting for nearly 200. In response, Government has increased the presence of the police and the military in some communities. Golding said the increased presence of the security forces would continue, and added that providing the police with the tools to fight crime and creating more legislation to aid crime fighting were some of the things agreed on by both parties.
Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller said the PNP stood ready to help Government in the fight against crime, and called on all Jamaicans to assist in the battle.