Dyse just caught wind that rapper Lil Wayne may be ready to give up his syrup habit. In recent interview, Wayne - whose song Lollipop is currently the number 1 song in the country - has bragged openly about his addiction to prescription cough syrup.
But that addiction may be coming to an end. A person close to Lil Wayne tells us that the rapper is on the verge of striking a plea deal with Arizona prosecutors that would have him entering an in-house drug treatment program. Wayne currently faces 3 felony charges in Arizona - stemming from an incident earlier this year where police found drugs and guns in his possession. The insider explained to MediaTakeOut.com, "Under the deal, [Wayne] wouldn't go to jail, [instead] he'd spend some time in a rehab facility - preferably Meadows Rehab Center ... They're working out a way to make it so that [Lil Wayne] can still meet all his current [booked performances] and it won't mess with the release of his album The Carter 3 next week." Meadows Rehab Center is a private facility in Wickenburg, Arizona. It's former patients include model Kate Moss, rocker Pete Doherty and R&B singer Whitney Houston. Developing...