just caught wind that rapper Lil Wayne may be ready to give up his syrup habit. In recent interview, Wayne - whose song Lollipop is currently the number 1 song in the country - has bragged openly about his addiction to prescription cough syrup.
But that addiction may be coming to an end. A person close to Lil Wayne tells that the rapper is on the verge of striking a plea deal with Arizona prosecutors that would have him entering an in-house drug treatment program.
Wayne currently faces 3 felony charges in Arizona - stemming from an incident earlier this year where police found drugs and guns in his possession. The insider explained to, "Under the deal, [Wayne] wouldn't go to jail, [instead] he'd spend some time in a rehab facility - preferably Meadows Rehab Center ... They're working out a way to make it so that [Lil Wayne] can still meet all his current [booked performances] and it won't mess with the release of his album The Carter 3 next week."
Meadows Rehab Center is a private facility in Wickenburg, Arizona. It's former patients include model Kate Moss, rocker Pete Doherty and R&B singer Whitney Houston.
COUGH SYRUP MY ASS, hes going in there for ecstacy,cocaine, heroin etc.........wayne i love you to death, i think ur the best, but u do too much drugs fa real though
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
No more sippin on em sizzurp hun... Yh.. he needs the rehab man.. Be addicted to sex babes... but not cough syrup! Ooooh.. da song L0LL!POP is hot... hope he can still make em mad beats w/out DPH....LOL