Star of the Month, D'Angel, raps with some of her fans at Ferncourt High School in St Ann recently. D'Angel was there for the FAME School Rules. - Contributed
For THE STAR of the Month, D'Angel, her fans are very important as she considers herself a role model to the teenagers who admire her.
D'Angel says she is always careful about what she says in her songs, promising never to slip out of line in being a mentor to the kids.
"Kids are the next generation, they are the ones growing up to my music and they will be the ones who go out and buy my CDs, so I need to make sure I'm a good role model," she said.
Whenever D'Angel is at her store on weekends, she says that it is always packed with kids wanting to take pictures with her and sign autographs for them.
While she has lots of fans, there is one in particular who has been showing that he considers himself her number one fan. 'Kevin' goes to almost all of D'Angel's local shows and even calls her road manager, Jodi, every day.
"I met Kevin at Macka Diamond's birthday bash, he came up to me and told me he was my biggest fan. He's been following me ever since, he was at my birthday party. He shows up everywhere I'm performing, Kevin is always around," she said.
D'Angel also spoke about one of her young fans, a four-year-old boy who is the son of a friend of hers. She recently met the youngster at the staging of Miss Jamaica Universe 2008.
She explained, "A friend of mine told me his son wanted to marry me and that he's in love with me, it was really cute."
In the meantime, D'Angel continues to develop her fan base, making appearances and music that they will love forever.
Upcoming designers, this is your chance to
In a unique competition one lucky designer will get the chance to 'blaze' with Star of the Month D 'Angel. Known for her sexy yet classy style, D'Angel is calling all upcoming designers to design an outfit for her. According to D'Angel, she is looking for an outfit that is creative and showcases her unique style.
Designers have until Friday, May 23, to bring in their designs to the offices of the STAR, 7 North Street, Kingston.
D'Angel's measurements are: 34-27-39.
D'Angel promises to wear the outfit to a stage show or event, and to possibly promote the designer.