DMX gave an interview to XXL Magazine in which it was revealed he has absolutely no idea who Barack Obama is. Here's an excerpt:
Are you following the presidential race? Not at all.
Youre not? You know theres a Black guy running, Barack Obama and then theres Hillary Clinton. His name is Barack?!
Barack Obama, yeah. Barack?!
Barack. What the **** is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?
Yeah, his dad is from Kenya. Barack Obama?
Yeah. What the ****?! That aint no ****** name, yo. That aint that ***** name. You cant be serious. Barack Obama. Get the **** outta here.
Youre telling me you havent heard about him before. I aint really paying much attention.
I mean, its pretty big if a Black Wow, Barack! The ****** name is Barack. Barack? ***** named Barack Obama. What the ****, man?! Is he serious? That aint his ****** name. Ima tell this **** when I see him, Stop that bull****. Stop that bull**** [laughs] That aint your ****** name. Your momma aint name you no damn Barack.
So youre not following the race. You cant vote right? Nope.
Is that why youre not following it? No, because its justit doesnt matter. Theyre gonna do what theyre gonna do. It doesnt really make a difference. These are the last years.
But it would be pretty big if we had a first Black president. That would be huge. I mean, I guess. What, they gon give a dog a bone? There you go. Ooh, we have a Black president now. They shouldve done that **** a long time ago, we wouldnt be in the ****** position we in now. With world war coming up right now. They done ****** this **** up then give it to the Black people, Here you take it. Take my mess.
The only way this interview could have sounded any more ignorant would be if he also added that "Orientals" shouldn't be allowed to drive and women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Ugh.
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.