LADY'S ISLAND -- Rising copper prices seem to be fueling more metal thefts.
Over the weekend, the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office responded to four reports of copper being stolen from air-conditioning units at businesses and homes on Lady's Island.
The damage was estimated at $1,500 per unit; the value of the components stolen from all the units was only $160, according to a Sheriff's Office report.
Countywide, copper theft has been on the rise.
Deputies responded to 28 incidents involving copper theft in 2007 -- a more than 100 percent increase from the year before.
Residences, businesses and utility companies have all been the target of copper thieves in the past year. In December, thieves stole $24,000 worth of copper wire from a phone company.
In southern Beaufort County, most of the thefts occur at construction sites.
The crimes appear to be exacerbated by hikes in copper prices. Copper closed
Tuesday at $4 a pound. Five years ago, it traded at 75 cents a pound.
lol....i been reading over the past few months about copper theft. some of these idiots even try to cut live wires. here's a thought....get a f**kin job like everyone else!!!