You have been talking to this person for quite some time now and you think she is worthy to be considered as a potential spouse. Subsequently, you organise a third date, the acid test to see if there is a meaningful connection beneath the chemistry.
Reviving the past
"I remember I went out with this woman once and all she kept talking about was her past relationship. Apparently, the guy was a jerk and her outlook on relationships was that all males are jerks." - Greg
If you have not got over your previous relationships, don't jump into another. Many females do this and unfairly judge the men they are currently dating. If James did you something wrong, take it out on James, not Michael.
Not sharing the load
"Me and this person have been going out for some time now, but the one thing that bothers me is that she doesn't pay for anything. It's not as if she is unemployed or I am forcing her to go out with me. I like her, but I would never marry her." - Chad
If you were born in the '50s or '60s, this would be a hard concept to grasp. But this is the 21st century and the playing field has been levelled. Both persons need to be supportive where finances are concerned. It's also very important for a woman to show a man that she can function independently.
Being argumentative
"There was this woman I dated, who had a problem for every solution. It was as if she did not want to see us happy, hence we argued constantly. The things that we argued about were so trivial. Sometimes, I call to say hi, and out of nowhere an argument arises." - Mark
Being in a relationship is not the same as being in a war. A man wants a spouse who can provide comfort and care.
Them turn-off here are really true. Especially the.........
Being argumentative
"There was this woman I dated, who had a problem for every solution. It was as if she did not want to see us happy, hence we argued constantly. The things that we argued about were so trivial. Sometimes, I call to say hi, and out of nowhere an argument arises." ___________________________________
We Are Anonymous, We Are Legion, We Do Not Forgive, We Do Not Forget and always Expect us.
Them turn-off here are really true. Especially the.........
Being argumentative
"There was this woman I dated, who had a problem for every solution. It was as if she did not want to see us happy, hence we argued constantly. The things that we argued about were so trivial. Sometimes, I call to say hi, and out of nowhere an argument arises." ___________________________________
That girl either had personal problems she didn't wish to share with you or she needed attention.