Variety is the spice of life and I guess the 'hostess with the mostess' Nikki-Z has taken that literally to the next level.
876radio caught up with the gossip queen of morning time radio at the official launch of Vybz Rum over the weekend, where she was spotted sporting a very odd hairstyle. The diva known for her golden mane, before transforming to a red headed dreadlock has kicked things up a notch in the hairdo department.
This new style we're not sure what to call it but lets just say "Punk Rock Dreadlock", baffled as to the inspiration behind the new do, one cannot help but wonder, what was going through her mind at the time when she decided to attempt this leap of faith.
When asked by 876radio what was the reason for shaving one side of her head and engraving it with razor markings she just smiled and said "Just one of those things, just wanted something different and this is my 'I really don't care' statement I'm making".
The popular radio personality Nikki Z who has been going through some tough times trying to cope with her moms' situation says she is hopeful that her mother can recover from her present battle with cancer.
Carol Duhaney, Nikki Z's mother, was recently diagnosed with the disease and although there is no cure, the disc-jock is hoping that with the right treatment and family support, her life can be sustained. Could the new hairdo be a reflection of the Z's troubled times.
We have embedded a photo of her new hairdo, tell us what are your thoughts. (see photo below)
-- Edited by Zj Rohan at 23:06, 2008-04-13
For Pictures...FlyersandPostersand anyother design link me upat
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