Hello, I am very happy to have discovered this forum. Lemme introduce myself too, sound' Selector, 29 years old, Architect, blue eyes looool and I am not a "newbie" in this buizness but I am going to respect rules ^^ , this is my myspace and my imeem profile to here some dubs if yuh want.
There are some persons here that I already have to meet somewhere else big up trademark, misslinkz and Djphantomz (the same city like me) Larg up for your forum, good atmosphere. Thank you all.
see yuh soon - big up seen.
I am not going to show some pics of me without T-shirt to avoid too much forwards and too much reqwests - thx to raspek dat .
Welcome to the Zone just mind the rules one the wall, no pissin on the floor and every now and then drop some change in the bucket for the bathroom attendant.