I am a 17-year-old girl. I am currently living in the United States. When I was in Jamaica, I had a sexual relationship with my second cousin and at the same time I had a boyfriend. I love both of them and we still in keep touch.
My problem is that I am not sure if I want to be with any of them anymore. I don't want to be in a love triangle. I love them, but I don't want to continue creeping around with my cousin and I am not sure if my boyfriend will feel the same way after being apart for two years. I talk to both of them on a regular basis, almost every night. They seem sincere when they say 'I love you'.
People may think that because you are young you don't know the real meaning of love, but I think age is just a number.
Pastor, please give me your advice on what you think I should do. Thank you and keep up your good work.
T. L., Florida, USA
Dear T. L.,
You are only 17 years old and you have made mistakes. I suggest that you stop calling these guys. Let the relationships that you had with your cousin and the other young man die.
You are not comfortable letting anybody know that your cousin and yourself had a sexual relationship. Tell him that now that you have looked back, you believe that both of you shouldn't have had sex and you don't want him to think of you as his girl.
Tell the other young man that you have your doubts about the relationship and you want to bring it to an end. You may wish to add that when you grow older, if both of you are still single and you are sure of yourself, you can consider each other again, but for now it is over.